Saturday, November 20, 2010

More of the prophetic word the Lord shared with us in Ireland a few years back -

“From this night forth we declare the full Apostolic and Prophetic mantle over this nation will be maintained and held up and will not fall but all corners of this nation, the Apostolic and Prophetic ministries You have ordained and set in place, Father, will stand in unity together, in unity across this nation so that the mantle You’ve placed over this nation will remain before You because when You look down on this nation Father and You see this Apostolic and Prophetic mantle that causes You to turn and bless this people and bless this nation and pour out Your blessings because You said on this foundation You will build Your Bride – the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Thank You Father for establishing Your mantle over this nation Father, before Your face oh Father, thank You that there are Pastors from every corner of this nation who have received them and there are noble women around this nation who have received Your Apostles and Prophets and have made room for them, thank You Father, have given them sustenance as they travel this land so that they may continue to do Your Will and Your work, Father. Thank You Father, oh thank You for the faithfulness of Your saints, Father who support the Apostolic and Prophetic even as the Apostolic and Prophetic is there to serve them. They are serving You by serving them, it’s a mutual servant hood, hallelujah! No one lording over but serving, esteeming the other more highly then themselves, Father. Thank You Father. No more will one church exalt itself over another, no more, Father, no more. But churches will esteem others more highly than themselves and will rejoice to see other churches succeed because they will be so grateful that the souls in those churches are being ministered to and matured and nurtured and they will cry out for joy that Your people are being fed and blessed and clothed and they will not in any way let flesh hinder who they are before You, instead of grieving You by being jealous and envious and clinging to Your sheep and holding them and trying to divide them and even when You draw them to another pasture, when You put them in another pasture, they curse them and they say they are cursed, Father we no longer will tolerate these curses of Your people. Your people are free. They are like the wind and the wind cannot be controlled by man. The wind blows where You send it Father, where You send it. And Your people go where You send them, not where any man sends them. They are no longer in bondage to man, Father. Thank You that the Pastors of this nation Father, will humble themselves and thank You Father that they will rejoice to see each other blessed. They will lift their brother up in prayer, in finances, in support and they will break bread together, Father, hallelujah! Thank You Father. And the Lord says tonight they will either break the bread together or I will break them. They will break bread, share it with one another or I will break them says the Lord. Thank You Father. This is Kingdom business here tonight, Kingdom business.”

“And you will even circle this city, says the Lord and you will see the unclean come down in this city. The walls that hold Me out and uncleanness in will come down. Oh Lord. And the Lord will silence the voice of man. Man was not allowed to speak when they surrounded the walls of Jericho and so shall it be today. No longer will man’s voice speak but only when I say will the trumpet sound and the wall will come down. No more the voice of man, Father. Your tent’s being enlarged, Father. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Lord we kiss you on behalf of this nation. Oh Father, we kiss you tonight, lest You be angry and we perish from the way. We kiss You tonight. We give you the intimacy you deserve and demand. We will not be a barren fig tree that looks like it should be bearing fruit but it will not bear fruit, no Father, we will bear You fruit. Oh Father, when you looked at, Oh when You looked at Adam and you said it is not good for man to be alone, Adam was a type of Jesus and You were saying to Your Son, Jesus, it is not good for YOU to be alone! Thank You Father! You said to Jesus it’s not good for you to be alone, You turned to Your Son and You said it isn’t good for you to be alone and out of Jesus came His Bride! Yes! Out of your side blood and water flowed, yes your bride came from your side just as Adam’s bride did. You took the bride out of His side, Father, hallelujah! Jesus, we say to you tonight, it is not good for You to be alone! Let us be your helpmeet, oh let us fulfil you, let us fulfil every desire of your heart, let us be the ones to fulfil you Lord, let us even stand in that place of intimacy until our brothers and sisters come to that place. We’re never coming out, we’ll be, we’ll be there Father in that place of intimacy. We’ll abide under Your shadow in that secret place and Father we do pray that others would join us there. I just sense we should have a time of dancing, hallelujah!”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...