Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prophetic Word continued

“Oh Father, tonight, the oil of joy, the oil of gladness, the oil that breaks the yoke, Father. Oh Lord, thank you. And we call forth tonight relationships between relationships between your Apostles and Prophets and your prophetic people from all four corners of this land, every part of this land will come together as one mantle, as one mantle oh Hallelujah! Hallelujah, oh Lord Father! And I hear God saying Israel was the original mantle that He put upon the earth. They were the first mantle that He wove and created. So to the Jew first and then to the Greek and so this mantle that You chose to put as a prophecy over this nation is an Israeli prayer shawl and that is very prophetic because, ah hallelujah, because this nation will honour Israel, Hallelujah! And Israel, the anointing that He put into the mantle on Israel will abide here also, hallelujah, because He wanted the anointing that He put in Israel to cover the gentiles, that’s what He said. He’s always wanted it to do that and they took it and selfishly, they, they did not obey and cover the gentiles but tonight it is a reestablishment of God’s heart for the anointing that He put in Israel that it would be shared with the gentiles and would cover the gentile nations. Israel is meant by God today to be a cover, a mantle over the nations, hallelujah, and the nations are struggling with it, they refuse to accept this mantle that God has placed upon them and this Apostolic and Prophetic mantle contains the seed that was in the mantle of Israel. It’s the, it’s, hallelujah, in fact it’s the fullness of that which Israel started! Yes! Hallelujah! It’s the fullness of that which Israel began which God began with Israel, Ha! It’s the call to intimacy! Ha! He always meant for Israel to lead the gentiles into a place of intimacy with Him and they would not! And today My church is doing the same thing. I’ve called My church to lead those who are lost, those who are without Me into an intimate relationship with Me and instead they themselves are not entering into intimacy and they’re preventing others from doing so, Oh! Oh! Oh!”

“No more will My house be a house of merchants but it will be a place of intimacy and if they will not abide in this intimacy they will not remain in My house, says the Lord. They will not remain says the Lord. I will have a Holy Bride who will desire Me, who will desire Me. Any man who has a Bride that does not desire him will put her away. Am I any different in the sense that I desire intimacy with My bride? I will have intimacy, if she will not desire Me, oh, I will have a passionate Bride, I will have a passionate Bride oh she will be so passionate for Me she will forget herself, she will be beside herself with passion, she will not even, she will lose her elegance, she’ll become wild with passion for Me. She’ll lose even her, all thought for herself and she’ll lose even sight of herself in My presence, she will be so consumed with Me, she will be so in love with Me that she will stop at nothing till she has Me, she will not wait, she will not stop, she will not stop, she will not stop at the door, she will not stop until she has Me. Until she has ME! She will not accept a substitute, she will not accept a lesser, she will not allow herself to be sold into slavery anymore as a harlot, she will not allow it, she will please no man but she will please Me, says the Lord. She will please Me and Me alone, ah!”

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