Saturday, November 27, 2010

Prophetic Word continued

“Father, I thank You for the hearts on fire sitting in churches around the land and the world and Father I pray tonight – do not let the flames die out, do not let the Spirit be quenched. When He said quench not the Spirit He’s talking about the Spirit in each other. He’s talking about the Spirit in one another, we’re not to quench the Spirit in one another, we’re to allow the Holy Spirit in each other to gush forth, to love, to rise up and blow upon each other, that’s where we receive life is when we quench not the Spirit in each other and in our own selves. Oh Father, that’s what You’re saying – quench not the Spirit in one another and too many Pastors stand there and the Spirit’s not on him! The Spirit is not even in Him and He’s on members of the congregation, the church and he won’t allow them, he won’t let them, he quenches them. He quenches them. He despises them. He despises them. Despise not prophecy. Prophecy comes from the spirit when it’s not quenched. Prophecy will always be a natural result of the Holy Spirit’s presence within us. When the Holy Spirit meets flesh, prophecy results. Always prophecy. They despise the prophecy, they despise the Holy Spirit in the people. Oh Father, they despise You! Oh, I knew it was bad, Father, I never saw that, though, that they actually despise You, Father, in the form of the Holy Spirit. Oh they stand there and despise You and if You, if You move, if You speak, if You, if You touch, they despise You and they cast You from their presence just as the Pharisees cast Jesus from their presence. Oh mercy, Father! We even pray for those Pastors that are quenching Your Spirit in the people that they are ruling over, oh! There’s pastors that are quenching You in their own people, Father, oh they need to humble themselves, oh Father. We pray for them also, Father and we pray for Your bride and we lift her up to You, Father – have Mercy! Have Mercy Father! Have mercy we pray Father, deliver. Deliver Your people. We call the Moses’ to rise up Father – they will not stop till Your people are delivered. They won’t be satisfied with the third or the fourth or the fifth plague and yet compromise. They won’t compromise, they will continue until they see Your people delivered. Oh Father! There’s a zeal in the hearts of men and women today that will not be satisfied till His people are delivered. There’s a zeal that He’s placed in His people. They will be strengthened, they will be sent forth, Ha, Ha! prepared for the day of battle!”

“I just hear the Father saying My people are not being prepared oh they’re not being prepared for battle. They’re not being prepared for battle, they’re being spoon fed. They’re being force fed too. The Apostles and Prophets have to stop force feeding, they have to stop so that the bride will become desperate, hungry, oh they have to stop it, stop the books, stop the videos, stop the DVD’s, stop until the people are hungry. Right now they’re so fat the can’t even move. They just receive it and sit there and get fatter and fatter. They don’t know how to take it and use it to effect change in the earth, oh they just sit there and get fatter and fatter. They’re not exercising their faith. Thank You Father, thank You Lord. Teach them to exercise their faith.”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...