Sunday, November 28, 2010

Prophetic Word continued

I've included the following personal word to a lovely Irish lady named Gwyneth because I want you to get a feel for how the Lord speaks to his own, so tenderly and with such great love. I want you to learn to recognize his voice...This took place on the same amazing evening the preceding prophetic word took place.

Gwyneth’s Word

“Your heart has been crying out for this. Your heart has been longing for this. Even My kiss, says the Lord. Even My kiss. Oh Lord, thank You, oh, oh. And I will not leave you or forsake you but I will partake of you. Oh you are not just an observer in My kingdom, you are not just an observer any longer, My daughter. You will not just observe others as they walk into intimacy. You will not just observe My Spirit upon others, even rejoice for them but oh My daughter My Spirit is upon you! You will experience all that you have dreamed of. You will experience all that you have seen in others. You will no longer compare yourself with anyone else. You are acceptable to Me, hallelujah!”

“I don’t know who you are, I’ve never met you before. I just see the Lord saying that, what I’m seeing is that sister – there is very little that the Lord has to adjust in you. My sister, I really see the Lord, just, there’s just some minor tweaking, ok? Very minor. You’re not the major case that people think you are or that others have said. You’re not that major job that God has to spend the rest of your life getting you to a place of perfection, you’re very close to it now. Your heart is so close to the Lord, you’ve just needed some minor adjustments. I hear the Lord saying there will be some adjustments but they’re very minor, my sister. They’re very minor. You’re nothing like people have said you are, Ha! even men that have said they were of Me, that said they were of Me do not have My word in their mouth, did not speak My words. Oh they wanted you to be in bondage to them. Ha. They wanted you for themselves. But I will not share you with another. I’m jealous over you, My daughter, I’m jealous for you. I won’t share you with anyone else. You belong to Me, oh you’re Mine, You’re Mine. You’re sealed, signed, sealed and delivered.”

“And the word came for dancing. And the Lord said feet on fire, He’s gonna put fire in people’s feet and He was talking about men but it’s for everyone but it’s just that men are often, it’s a lot harder for them to get up and dance but when the Lord began to show me, I’m going to go ahead and say this to you guys, judge it, but what I believe the Lord began to show me was that your dancing reflects where your heart is – it shows your heart, it shows where your heart is. If you can get up and you can dance exuberantly, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but you just, your heart’s in it and you just worship with your dance, River dance. A guy was talking about River dance and he said at the beginning one guy comes out and He’s just dancing. Then two, then like five more and then more and more till soon the whole stage is filled and He’s saying that’s what’s going to happen with men in particular but also with women is the zeal of the Lord’s going to come on them and they’re going to lose all inhibitions and they’re going to worship with their whole heart. If you’re worshipping with your whole heart, the Lord says love Me with all your heart, all your mind, all your, we quote that, if that’s true, if you love Him with all Your heart, you’re going to be dancing, at some point, you can’t help but, because your body will follow wherever your heart is, so if your heart’s full of Him, your body will be fully to Him, see that? That’s it! So, when you go to a church and no one can dance, literally they can’t, the Lord was showing me sometimes their hearts don’t belong to Him or their hearts are so heavy laden that their hearts are dragging their bodies down to the floor. They can’t move, literally. See, their hearts aren’t being ministered to, they’re sitting there and their hearts are breaking inside. They go to church and here’s what happens – Hi! How ya doin? Fine! Ok, good bye. It’s all feigned, it’s all fake, we go and put on our nice mask. It’s because we know in most churches if you allow that pain to come out it’s not going to be dealt with, it’s not going to be ministered to and healed, it’s just going to get worse and they’re going to talk about you, they’re going to point their finger at you and they’re going to say, look at her, she’s not perfect! She’s got problems! But if they know if they show that pain, that’s all that’s gonna happen. Instead of being nurtured and touched and healed so everybody hides it, oh I’ve been hurt too, many times. And so they just put on the mask and you go to church and God’s heart is breaking cause He wants to touch hearts. Hallelujah! He wants to touch hearts. Thank You Father.”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...