Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We're reaching for the stars
with our hands and our hearts
Deep inside
there is a drive
to do something extraordinary with our lives
We want to reach, we want to be
far beyond earth's boundaries
We innately know we have a greater destiny
then just ending up as part of the soil from which we sprang -
We're meant to live forever
Exploring the Universe together,
singing the song the angels sang
the day we were born.
We're meant to always be                         loved
for love will always be.
Now that is a glorious reality
for you and for me!
So take God's extended nail scarred hand
and rise above this fallen land,
Rise, oh yes rise, far above this limiting sky,
to the infinite, where angels fly
Oh be forever loved, oh don't let love die,
let Jesus be    the apple of your eye.
So set your heart to know him
for he's the only way you'll be goin'
far beyond the stars
to where eternal joy and wonder are........

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...