Friday, January 21, 2011

Doctrinally centered or Christ centered? part two

Jesus would have us camp around him, even as the Israelites had the Tabernacle at the center of their camp. This is a model for us today for we should all fellowship around our risen Savior - "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". We are meant to fellowship around him for he is our only true source of Life and Godliness and healing we will ever know. The problem for today's denominational christian is poignant. I used to attend denominational services and most of the time I noticed Christ was no where to be found. I asked the Lord about it - "Lord, you said when we gather together in your name you are in our midst, so where are you?" He told me they (denominational christians) are not gathering in my name, rather they are gathering in the name of their church or denomination. Have you ever noticed that almost all denominations do not have his name in their title?
He said their identity is with their respective church, not with Jesus himself. Does this mean that you can't ever find Jesus in a denominational church? Of course not because God is extremely compassionate and merciful. Many churches are a mixture of wheat and tares and he will meet with the wheat and he will touch and heal and save as he is able to because he loves those in Babylon so very much BUT HIS PRESENCE IN A DENOMINATIONAL SERVICE DOES NOT MEAN HE IS GIVING THEM HIS STAMP OF APPROVAL. Further more, the enemy is able to mimic the Holy Spirit and pretend to be the Holy Spirit, leading many astray. Any time a church claims to have an experience with the Holy Spirit but says he leads them to stay in their denominational church, it was not the Holy Spirit they were experiencing. The Holy Spirit will always lead us out of Babylon, out of Bondage.
Most who claim to be christian really are not, anyway. They are walking in deception because most denominations reject or resist the person of the Holy Spirit. The word "christian" means "little Christ", or a smaller version of Christ himself. Believers in the Bible never called themselves "christian". They were called "christians" by unbelievers around them because their lives so exemplified the light and love that Jesus walked in that unbelievers immediately recognized it. Their words and deeds were very christ like. But if you insist on calling your self "christian" it means you are identifying yourself with Christ. The word "Christ" means "Messiah". This means "the anointed one of God". How was Jesus anointed? WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!! So to be a christian means to also be anointed and sent by the Holy Spirit! By this definition, 90 percent of churches on earth are not "christian" because the Holy Spirit is not welcome in their services. He is not honored and respected. He is not worshipped and submitted to. He might be allowed to visit from time to time but he'd better not try to take over the service! Trust me, I've seen it happen time and again. He will show up, powerfully, attracted by the worship, but when he tries to speak or move in any way, he is shut down quickly. Sad but true. Biblically, whenever he shows up, tongues or prophecy or both always occur. When was the last time you heard either at your service? I thought so.

to be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...