Saturday, January 22, 2011

Doctrinally centered or Christ centered? part three

Religious saints are forever wanting to know - what church do you go to? This is so they can immediately decide with their minds whether you are someone they can fellowship with and love in a religious, soulish, way, completely ignoring Jesus' command to love one another. See, they cannot have true fellowship with and knit their hearts together with, yours in love for their hearts aren't knit together with God's in love, they love Him only with their minds, like the Pharisees. How sad.
When God looks at a city, he only sees his blood. If we have the blood of Jesus on us, we belong to him. If not, we don't. He doesn't see all the labels that come from the curse of Babylon, Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc., etc., all cities started by Cain and his descendants. All labels of man will burn in the end, only Christ will remain. Question yourself - why do you find it so necessary to cling to your church or denomination, to identify with them even over Christ? For many, they are a (fill in the blank) first, and a Christian second.
But even more insidious is a counter move of Satan, responding to the world wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 70's, freeing many from the spirit of religion. Satan has actually sent out a spirit that is telling christians to become free of religion by following him! Incredible as it may sound, we know of a fellowship that is completely bound up by Satan, serving him and not God and this fellowship is full of pride in the fact that they aren't religious! They are so arrogant in their rebellion they are praying against the religious spirit they themselves are serving! God recently told us their Pastor is a "Nabal" to him. Nabal means "Stupid, wicked dolt", or "fool". God compared David, in the story found in 1 Sam: 25 to our ministry and he compared this Pastor to Nabal. Pastors, do not resist or rebel against true, godly authority for God sends them only to bless you. The rod of correction is given to sons and daughters he loves. They are meant to gather his people under his wings, as a hen would her chicks. True apostolic and prophetic ministry is a great blessing from God, meant to be an extension of his love for his people. If they have a rebuke for you, given in love, take this as you would from a loving father. In some churches, the Pastor is actually an Apostle, only he or his denomination do not realize it because they do not accept the ministry of Apostle in the earth today because of erroneous, demonic teaching.

When Eldad and Medad went running through the camp prophesying, Joshua showed the attitude of many Pastors today - "My Lord, Moses, forbid them" (Num:11:28), whereas Moses had a true, godly heart and therefore response - "Enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them! (Num:11:29). In Hebrew, the words Eldad and Medad mean "God has loved" and "Loving, affectionate". This reveals God's heart for the prophetic ministry, to reveal his affection and love for his people. Every time you receive personal prophetic ministry you should come away with the sense God has just wrapped his arms around you and given you a big hug. Even when giving a rebuke, I have always known God to do it in a loving way, without embarassing the one being rebuked. And we see that Moses wasn't intimidated or jealous at all by some one else with the prophetic anointing, with someone else anointed to minister in his congregation, but rather he had a Father's heart in rejoicing to see his children growing up. All leadership in the Body today should display this same heart. Today, we have many teachers but not many fathers, unfortunately.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...