Monday, January 3, 2011

"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one


Before we explore God's judgments against Babylon, perhaps it would be beneficial to examine its roots, both physical and spiritual. It began as a city on the Euphrates river in what is now known as Iraq by a man named Nimrod. The name Euphrates means "to break forth, rushing" and truly this city's founding spirit has broken forth and rushed upon the whole earth. Everywhere men went, it went too. When God judged them and scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth (the very thing they feared and were trying to prevent), they took the spirit of Babel with them, for  there was no true repentance for their evil. Only real repentance can break a spirit's hold over a human heart. This is found in Genesis chapter 10 vs. 8-10 and in chapter 11. There we read about Babel, which eventually became known as Babylon. We see it's roots revealed here.
They were trying to build a city (a city is made up of people joined together) and a tower whose top may reach unto Heaven. They weren't physically trying to reach Heaven with this city and tower but rather spiritually, for Heaven is a spiritual place. They were using sorcery and witchcraft to do this. They were trying to usurp God on His Heavenly throne after usurping Him off the throne of their hearts. They were trying to attain His throne apart from Him, from His divine invitation. This is exactly what Satan did in Heaven, repeated by men on earth. Just as Satan was cast down, his kingdom scattered over the earth, so was man. The result of following any other spirit or spiritual discipline but God's is seen here - confusion and division, separation from one another. This is God's judgment on all who separate from Him - they will become separated from each other and will not be able to communicate with each other. We see this among Christians caught in Babylon, they separate from one another and can not communicate with each other.

To be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...