We are all currently living in a day when many are going through the motions of religious traditions, like hamsters in a cage on a wheel going around and around, making a lot of effort, expending a lot of energy but going nowhere. They are caught in a kind of spiritual "Ground Hog Day" like the movie where a man is doomed to repeat the same day over and over again. Many people are caught in religious bondage and are endlessly repeating the same ceremony everytime they meet but without the life and light of Christ present. The time has come for all God's people, wherever they may be found to be gloriously set free from religious bondage. We have come to a momentous time in the history of mankind on earth. Prophetically speaking, we are living in the very beginning of Revelations 17 & 18. We are embarking on the last chapter of man's story before the wedding supper of the Lamb! This chapter is the final judgment of Babylon. This book seeks to shed light on just what, or better put, who Babylon is today and what is the responsibility of every believer. I can not over estimate how important the truth contained in this book is to the freedom and spiritual health and well-being of every true Christian on earth today. Please chew this meat carefully, for once you have done so, IT MUST BE SWALLOWED AND NOT SPIT BACK OUT.
After having read this you will then be responsible for the revelation found herein. You will be responsible to flee from Babylon and warn as many as you can to do the same. Do not let fear keep you in bondage. God is even now raising up an end time army of mighty faith that will over come every evil this world has embraced. Jesus' bride will prosper and flourish as the world goes down in the flames of final judgment, much like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, and she will not even have the smell of smoke on her. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. This day, this Day of Judgment of our God, is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Though at times it may seem as if this is a message of doom and gloom it's really a message of faith, hope and love. Faith in the only One who can deliver us from Babylon, hope that all God's people who hear this message will obey God's call to "come out of her my people" and every word of it is written with love, love for God and the precious souls he died to save. Your soul, as a matter of fact. Let this year be your year of deliverance and freedom. The only ones who will see this message as one of doom and gloom will be those who refuse to embrace and fall in love with the truth. In Christ, Chris
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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