Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Freedom from Babylon" chapter one continued

Nimrod also built the tower to get revenge on God for drowning his relatives! How arrogant and bold he is to say God can never drown us again, how ignorant too since God promised he wouldn't do it anyway. And to say it is cowardice to submit to God (this lie has morphed into the lie that it is cowardice to believe in God at all), yet billions of people since have embraced his spirit of rebellion towards God, of striving against God and are following in his spiritual footsteps, continuing to claim citizenship in that city, continuing to build that tower in their hearts, if not with their hands. Which tower are you building, the one on sand or the one on the rock? In which city do you have residence - Babylon or the New Jerusalem? Are you part of the multitude today "very ready to follow the determination of Satan"?
As we will see, this "striving against the Lord" is the very heart beat of Babylon and all who do so will find themselves outside the walls of the New Jerusalem, which spiritually is made up of all who live in peace and harmony with God, perfectly submitted to his will, forever. The twin towers were a modern type of the tower of Babel - monuments to man's pride and trust in himself, in Babylon's present age system of buying and selling, in a center of worldly trading. Study Revelation 18 and see how the merchants of the earth mourn when Babylon falls and see the collapse of the twin towers as a prophecy from God foreshadowing the coming judgment and collapse of the entire world wide economic system set up by Satan to entrap them to his will, to make them dependent on him and not God. God brought them low as He will bring low all who exalt themselves against him, for he always "resists the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 and Psalm 138:6).
Babylon is the total opposite of God's kingdom on earth. Babylon is rooted in pride; God's kingdom is rooted in humility. God's kingdom is Christ-centered, Satan's is self-centered. God is sick of it and her time of judgment has come. The Day of Judgment of our God will not wait, its appointed time has come and understanding this will help many of God's people to survive the coming judgments. He wants us to understand suffering and even martyrdom are part of his plan for his people and that the Kingdom is entered into through much tribulation. There is no higher honor than to be counted worthy to suffer for his name's sake.

To be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...