The root of the problem of pride, of exalting self or man over God, can be found in Genesis chapter three where Satan, the father of lies, introduces the idea of questioning God's word, of independently deciding what to believe, of thinking perhaps God is holding back from us, not wanting us to know the truth, not wanting us to get knowledge or we could be like him, be as gods apart from him. See, WE ARE LIKE HIM, we are made in his image, originally and he has invited us all back into the garden to be so again. We are all now currently being made into HIS IMAGE again by his divine invitation. We are all actually invited to sit in Christ on his throne, where we are given true authority and power by our generous, loving God, who freely shares his kingdom with us just as he gave us the earth to subdue and rule over at the beginning. "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom".(Luke 12:32)
Yet Satan seduces us into thinking we can't obrtain position or power with God, that God is selfish, that only with Satan can we have power, prestige and wealth. The exact opposite is true. Satan is a spiritual power-broker, doling out authority and power to anyone who will accept it from him. Satan doesn't openly enslave us; he instead invites us to sit near his throne, to be like him. The difference between God's and Satan's offer to us is that God's is legitimate and with Satan we decide what is good or evil, independent of God, not through him, in submission to him. We are taught by Satan to rule and reign apart from God, on our own. Independence from God, separation from God, is the very heartbeat of Satan's kingdom, Babylon.
We see Adam and Eve sewing fig leaves together to cover their shame and nakedness. The fig leaves represent Religion, man's attempt to cover his shame and ease his guilt resulting from his sin, through his own strength and effort, and all religion can ever do is affect us outwardly, whereas our true, living God is the only one who can change us inwardly, that is change our hearts. Unless our hearts withing us are transformed by his presence, our Christianity will remain a religious exercise in ritual and tradition that has no power to change a flea, much less a human soul. They have an outward form of godliness, only with no power for inner transformation. Satan's ways appear good and right and pleasurable, but always end in death. Will you choose his path or God's path? There is a way that seems right to MAN but the end thereof is death. This way that seems right is the path of Religion. When the religious ones of Jesus' day were offered a choice between Jesus or Barabbas, they chose Barabbas, a rebel and murderer who incited an insurrection against Roman authority. He is a type of Satan. Will you choose him over Christ? Will you set him free in your heart and crucify Christ in you, all that is Holy and God? Or will you crucify the Barabbas of your heart, all that rebels against God, against true authority in your life and free Jesus to rule and reign in you?
Peter also touches on the difference between Religion (outer) and relationship (inner) based Christianity - "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning; of wearing gold or putting on apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart" (1 Peter 3:3&4). It is precisely this "Hidden man of the heart" that must bow before Christ and become totally submitted to him or all is lost. If our godliness is outward only, Christ will say to us one day, "Depart from me, I never knew you". Where does he come to know us? Where does he sup with us? It is within us, in our hearts.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Friday, January 7, 2011
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