"He came unto His own and His own received Him not. But as many as received him, to them GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME the sons of God, even to them, that believe on his name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of THE WILL OF MAN, but of God" (John 1:11-13)
One of the saddest scriptures in all the Bible is John 1:11. Yet sadly, it is still happening today. Today he comes to his own in the form of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, His ministry, his anointing; his voice is in large part being rejected by the majority of Churches calling themselves "Christian". We see here, not all of "His" truly remain his but those who receive him. Simply saying a prayer of repentance one day isn't enough, we must eat of him everyday of our lives. We must become intimate with him, totally dependent on him.
To us who believe HIM (not our churche's doctrines about him), he gives us power to become his sons. This means we are not automatically his by saying a "sinner's prayer" once, but by living in him, through him, to him. See, all are born of the flesh. All are born first of the will of man. The will of man is at the heart of Babylon. In Babylon, the will of man is exalted over the will of God. Jesus dealt with this once and for all time in the garden of Gethsemane when he declared to the Father "nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Thy will be done."(Mt:26:39). There have always been tares and wheat growing together, those born of, living for man and a remnant born of, living for God but we are all now living in the day of the last great harvest when God is beginning to harvest, to separate, the two and those who are born of God are "coming out and being separated", Hallelujah! Mathew 13:30 has begun!
My wife likes to say there are "wheat churches" and there are "tare churches". In the wheat churches, God is removing the tares that are growing there. In the tare churches, God is removing the wheat! If you find yourself alienated from the traditional, denominational churches in your area, rejoice! If you find you don't belong, not because of something wrong with you but BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING RIGHT WITH YOU, rejoice! If they cast you from their presence, if they speak evil of you because of Righteousness' sake, you are in good company. If you GO TO YOUR OWN AND YOUR OWN RECEIVE YOU NOT, you have been counted worthy to suffer for him. You are simply following in his footsteps. You are joining him in his sufferings. Again, I say rejoice!
One of the saddest scriptures in all the Bible is John 1:11. Yet sadly, it is still happening today. Today he comes to his own in the form of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, His ministry, his anointing; his voice is in large part being rejected by the majority of Churches calling themselves "Christian". We see here, not all of "His" truly remain his but those who receive him. Simply saying a prayer of repentance one day isn't enough, we must eat of him everyday of our lives. We must become intimate with him, totally dependent on him.
To us who believe HIM (not our churche's doctrines about him), he gives us power to become his sons. This means we are not automatically his by saying a "sinner's prayer" once, but by living in him, through him, to him. See, all are born of the flesh. All are born first of the will of man. The will of man is at the heart of Babylon. In Babylon, the will of man is exalted over the will of God. Jesus dealt with this once and for all time in the garden of Gethsemane when he declared to the Father "nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Thy will be done."(Mt:26:39). There have always been tares and wheat growing together, those born of, living for man and a remnant born of, living for God but we are all now living in the day of the last great harvest when God is beginning to harvest, to separate, the two and those who are born of God are "coming out and being separated", Hallelujah! Mathew 13:30 has begun!
My wife likes to say there are "wheat churches" and there are "tare churches". In the wheat churches, God is removing the tares that are growing there. In the tare churches, God is removing the wheat! If you find yourself alienated from the traditional, denominational churches in your area, rejoice! If you find you don't belong, not because of something wrong with you but BECAUSE OF EVERYTHING RIGHT WITH YOU, rejoice! If they cast you from their presence, if they speak evil of you because of Righteousness' sake, you are in good company. If you GO TO YOUR OWN AND YOUR OWN RECEIVE YOU NOT, you have been counted worthy to suffer for him. You are simply following in his footsteps. You are joining him in his sufferings. Again, I say rejoice!
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