Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Man's voice must be silenced

"And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, NEITHER SHALL ANY WORD PROCEED OUT OF YOUR MOUTH until the day I bid you shout, then shall ye shout" (Joshua 6:10)
For God to do his work, Man's voice must be silenced. For far too long, man's voice has been heard from pulpits across the land when what we've needed to hear is God's voice. For far too long the voice of the Prophet has been missing from church after church. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that PROCEEDS out of the mouth of God"(Mt:4:4), not proceeded. When man's voice is silenced, Satan will have no one to speak through and it is then we will have the victory, it is then the walls of wickedness and rebellion surrounding human hearts will come down. That which holds God out and uncleaness in will be destroyed.
"For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian (the enemy) be beaten down"(Is:30:30). Hallelujah! Through the VOICE OF THE LORD the enemy, Satan's voice, will be silenced forever. He will be defeated in every way forever. When God's voice is silent in any place, a vacuum is created which the enemy then fills with his voice. The only way a lie can be exposed for what it is is with the truth. Our words, the words of man, are of flesh and produce death but his words, the words of God are spirit and they are life. We live by what he is saying, what is proceeding out of his mouth. This is the true manna from Heaven that we live by. We don't even survive by what he said yesterday or in days of old but what is he saying to us today. We should each be earnestly seeking his voice with all our hearts every day.
Every written word in the Bible was spoken to man at some point, then written down. They started out as a rhema (spoken) word, then became a logos (written) word. Every word in scripture is eternal and good because they came from the one who is eternal and good but they are meant to be a stepping stone to him, to his rhema word. The logos and rhema are not in competition with each other but are in perfect agreement, indeed are one and the same, from an eternal perspective. One is not to be exalted over the other but we can use the logos to bear witness to the rhema, as to whether it is of God or not but we must not prefer one over the other, we need both just as we need both the Father and the Son and the Spirit. If we fail to enter into an intimate relationship with him, we'll become like the Pharisees who knew the written word better than most of us ever will but failed to recognize that same word made flesh. Today's pharasaical leadership fail to recognize that same word made spirit. They fail to admit the very one who spoke the written word they seem to so highly exalt into their fellowships. We do far too much talking in our fellowships and not nearly enough shouting anyway. Pastor, next time you have a service, announce to your congregation that for the next six meetings you are going to purge man's voice and influence from your fellowship by having meetings that will be completely silent for the entire meeting. No announcements, no singing, no message, etc. Then, during the seventh meeting, everyone shout loudly for over an hour. You might think this is crazy but seriously, how badly do you want breakthrough?

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