Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lean not unto thine own understanding

"Thus saith The Lord, cursed is the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from The Lord".
In Scripture, every great man of God , everyone used by God to bring Glory to His name, came to the end of their own strength and learned to "lean not unto thine own understanding", exalting man above God, man's will over God's will which is the very heart of Babylon. This scripture, Jer:17:5, clearly shows that we are cursed when we remain in Babylon, in Religous pride for this causes our hearts to depart from the Lord. We then end up in a place where we honor Him with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.
Another aspect of this curse is that when we trust in Man or our own flesh to save or deliver us, we will continuously be let down. In our ministry, About Our Fathers Buisness, we have had many ministers, Pastors and saints pledge to help us financially that have not kept their word. We have seen precious fellow saints openly receive us only to turn on us when we began to confront Babylon in their lives. If our dependance was on man, we would have quit the ministry long ago. The sad truth is, if they treat The Lord with disrespect, can we expect any different? They do not realize or do not care that what they have done to us they have done to The Lord. Many have honored us with their lips but their hearts are far from us.Indeed, this is why most relationships fail, whether in the Body or out of it. It is because their hearts aren't knit together, only their minds. They give lip service to a Covenant their hearts cannot keep. They are hearers of the Word only. We must keep our focus on Jesus and by stead fastly beholding Him we will see the Father and we will be changed into His image and likeness.
This is a primary function of the Apostolic ministry, to behold Him, to be pure winesses of Him and to do this we must abide in intimacy with Him. The closer to the River's source we are, the more pure the water's flow is. The further we get from the source, the more polluted the flow becomes. Many are offering God's flock a polluted drink from the River of God flowing through them because they aren't as intimate with the Father as they should be. The Father is the source of the Holy Spirit's flow in our lives and the closer we are to him, the purer the flow will be.
The antithesis of Jer:17:5 is found in Isaiah 51:5- "My Righteousness is near, My Salvation is gone forth, and My Arms shall judge the people, the isles shall wait upon Me AND ON MY ARM SHALL THEY TRUST". We must all trust and lean on the Lord's mighty right arm. No one else can save us. No one else can redeem us. No one else is as faithful and dependable as He. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is completley trustworthy. Love never fails, thank God. His mercies are renewed every morning, praise God. His Salvation shall be from everlasting to everlasting and of His Righteous Kingdom there is no end.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...