Friday, January 14, 2011

Rend your heart not your clothes

"Then the High Priest rent his clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemy, what further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death" Mt: 25:65&66.
The High Priest rent his clothes, not his heart. He must not have read Joel 2:13. Religion will always remain outward, outside us, but never change our hearts. Religion rends our outer garments but does not rend our hearts. Religion is play acting; it is putting on a show before men who can only look on the outward appearance while ignoring the one who looks on the heart. The High Priest became very emotional. Many christians are taken in by highly emotional sermons that are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. These sermons are soulish not spiritual, they appeal to the souls of men. I am not speaking against emotional sermons here, only those not inspired by God, designed to fool carnal people into believing the emotionalism is the Anointing, when it isn't that at all.
Notice the High priest asked the crowd - what think ye? Religious christian leadership will often care more about what man thinks than what God thinks. They are man pleasers instead of God pleasers. They will look to man for his wisdom and opinion because in Babylon, man is in charge and not God. They receive and give honor to man. To honor man is to dishonor God. And what does religious man think of the Anointed One and all who later come from him, who are sent by him, who are truly anointed and come from God? He (they) is worthy of death. The only pure man, the only true Holy Man that ever lived, in and of himself holy, they put to death. When man is in charge he will put to death all that is of God to exalt all that is of man. He will kill the truth to embrace the lie. This has been man's goal since the expulsion from the garden of Eden, which is a reflection of Satan's goal and desire - dethrone God, kill him, and sit on his throne in his place. He couldn't dethrone him in Heaven so he's seeking to do it here on earth.
Where on earth is God enthroned? In the hearts of his people! So where does Satan seek to rule from? Our very own hearts! This is Babylon for Babylon is to Satan what the New Jerusalem is to Jesus - his bride. And unless we come out of her and be not partakers of her sins, we will end up married to Satan forever. It is our destiny to be either Yahweh's bride or Satan's bride forever. How horrible to end up as Satan's forever.
Come out from among her my people, come out. Flee from the midst of her. She looks good on the outside but is totally corrupt within. Religious christians (or religious whoevers) are the same way, all dressed up with no where to go. Like the pharisees, they make a show of dressing up nice in front of people, of showing off their knowledge and understanding of God's Word, but inwardly their hearts are far from him. We must all be baptized with fire, either the fire of the Holy Spirit, which will purge us and cleanse us of all desire to committ iniquity, or the fire of Hell, which will keep us burning in our iniquity forever. The choice is ours. What think ye?

Authors note: The blood of Jesus removes our sin record from before the face of God, it does not remove the desire to sin, this is done through a daily communing with the Holy Spirit, who teaches us his ways, which are holy and pure. He steadily woos us away from the life of sin and death we are so used to before we meet him.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...