Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Savour not the things of man part three

Jesus warned us all to "take heed that no man deceive you" Mt:24:4. He didn't say take heed that Satan doesn't deceive you, "for many shall come in my name (not Satan's) saying I am (of) Christ and shall deceive MANY" Mt:24:5. Remember, Satan is as a wolf disguised in sheeps clothing. He comes to us as an angel of light so we must beware that the light that is in us is not darkness (Mt:6:23), or put another way, we must beware that we have not been deceived by an angel of darkness disguised as an angel of light into thinking we are in God's kingdom, following Christ, when in reality we are in Babylon, following Satan, who tells us "I am Christ", or "I am of Christ". For those in darkness, he will appear as Light (revelation knowledge from God) but for those in the true kingdom of Light he will appear as darkness.
As I live and breathe, I am very careful, whenever I receive praise, in my heart and often with my lips, I defer to the only one who truly deserves praise, my Lord and God, Jesus the true Christ of God. When I am told I am a mighty man of God I reply no, I serve the mighty God of man.
If we are followers of men, we will end up in deception. Who after all, are the ones who teach "doctrines of devils" in the Church? It is men. God warns us not to follow "after the commandments and doctrines of men" Col: 2:22. Satan has his ambassadors just as Jesus does. Everything Satan does in fact is a copy of God's kingdom. He will even offer to heal us after he's wounded us. Believer, you will know them by their fruit. Do they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? Is your church powerless to effect real change in your community, change in the hearts of people? Real godliness will always powerfully change hearts, not just minds or at least it will confront hearts with Truth, exposing them, showing all who they really belong to.
If you're caught in Satan's trap, the revelation of it is the first step to freedom. If the eyes of your understanding have been opened by the words of this blog, rejoice! Jesus is still performing his ministry on earth today and in your heart he is still "preaching deliverance to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised" Lk:4:18. He hasn't given up on you or the millions of others caught in Satan's trap, no he is even now raising up mighty apostles and prophets and pastors of the faith that are blowing the Shofar of freedom among their people. Even now the jail of religious bondage to man is being shaken and destroyed as the captives hear the voice of the apostle in their midst. And many former jailors, pastors and leaders who were working for Satan, are crying out "what must I do to be saved?" Acts 16:30, and they and their houses (churches) are being saved and coming to real salvation in Christ for the first time in their lives. HalleluJAH! Do not despair for the dead religous churches captive in Babylon but BELIEVE GOD can and will rescue them in these final dark hours before the dawn, for "where sin abounded, Grace did much more abound" Rom:5:30.

to be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...