Monday, January 24, 2011

Savour not the things of man part two

Jesus taught us that we should pray to THE FATHER to give us this day our DAILY BREAD for he knew that if we don't eat from the Father's table, daily, Satan will be quick to offer us food from his table to satisfy our spiritual hunger. Our Father will prepare us a table in the presence of our enemies if we trust Him to do so. Do not give in to Satan's offer to care for you, no matter how good the food looks and no matter how many of your fellow saints are enjoying it, no, "come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you be not partakers of her plagues, for her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath GLORIFIED HERSELF, AND LIVED DELICIOUSLY, so much torment and sorrow give her, for she saith IN HER HEART, I SIT A QUEEN and am no widow AND SHALL SEE NO SORROW" Rev:18:4-7.
Study Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 and you will see they are companion chapters to Revelation 17 and 18, for everything happens TO THE JEW FIRST and then to the greek, to the rest of humanity. I will expound on these chapters later in the year.
All who live in Babylon are glorifying themselves, not Jesus and their hearts are so full of pride that they "SIT A QUEEN", but the throne they sit on as a queen is Satan's though they believe it is God's. They are so blinded they truly believe they shall SEE NO SORROW, in other words, they won't end up in Hell. Many churches teach a gospel that has had all suffering removed, all sorrow. They cry peace, peace when there is no peace, with God. "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day (the great and fearful DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD) death, and mourning and famine and shall be utterly burned with fire (in the lake of fire) for strong is the Lord who judgeth her" Rev:18:8.
Satan's table, his offerings to us, his sins, are pleasurable for a season, but the end result is always death. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death" Prov:14:12. This is the way of Babylon, of the religions of man. In Babylon, every man does "that which is right in his own eyes" Jud:21:25. Do not be partakers of her sins but flee from the midst of her, my people. Remember Daniel, speaking of the Anti-Christ, says "by peace shall he destroy many" Dan:8:25, and "many shall cleave to them with FLATTERIES" Dan:11:34, and "but he shall come in peaceably and shall obtain the Kingdom by flatteries" Dan:11:21.
All who are in the Church who are carnally minded and who walk after the flesh and not in the Spirit will be deceived and will firmly believe the Anti-Christ is THE CHRIST and through pride will be destroyed along with Satan and his kingdom, the kingdom of pride on earth today, Babylon. How does Satan seduce us? By flattering us! By puffing us up with knowledge and telling us how wonderful we are and how much we deserve to rule and reign with him, then setting us right next to his throne! By telling us that Jesus (through the Holy Spirit) has no business telling us what to do, we're Pharisees after all! We're the ones telling everyone else what to do, we're the ones God's chosen to use on the earth today, so anyone who isn't a part of us cannot be of God.

to be continued...

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