Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord

In Second Samuel chapter six we see a very clear warning from God. Whenever we see God do something in scripture that doesn't fit in to our understanding of him, it's we who must align ourselves with Him, not the other way around. Everything God reveals about himself in scripture is for our benefit, for our instruction, that we might know him, not what man says about him. In religious churches (those bound by the spirit of religion), they are forever trying to make God into their image, rather than wanting to become perfect reflections of Christ. Ultimately, we will all become made into the image of Christ (restored to our original state in the garden) or the image of the beast. We will all be Christ-like or beast-like, anti-christ like. There is no middle ground.
But I digress, "And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and he died by the Ark of God" 2 Sam:6:6&7. We do not often hear mentioned the anger of the Lord, or the wrath of God, yet they are an integral part of who he is. In another place he says "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord" Rom:12:19. Make no mistake, God does get revenge, it's just that he's the only one who truly has a right to exact revenge because He's the only one who is and has always been sinless. We cannot take vengeance because we are as guilty before God as the person we hate. We sin by taking revenge but God never does. His wrath is being poured into a cup and that cup is nearly full, "and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came to remembrance before God, to give unto her THE CUP OF THE WINE OF THE FIERCENESS OF HIS WRATH" Rev:16:19.
Yes, those that drink the "wine of her fornication" Rev:17:2, will find that very wine turned into the "the wine of the fierceness of his wrath" and the whole world will tremble when it is poured out. Could it be happening now, what with the numerous earthquakes, aids etc. and the bird and fish deaths recently reported? We misunderstand mercy and grace for they are only given to broken and repentant hearts. Man thinks, because of God's long suffering, because he doesn't react right away, that man's sins and atrocities are going unnoticed - yet God sees every last detail of every sin ever committed. God pronounced Judgment on the Ammonites yet waited over three hundred years to carry it out. He gave them plenty of time to repent and turn from their wicked ways yet they would not. Did he not say "that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment" Mt:12:36? We belong to a very personal God who takes notice of every detail of our lives, for our lives, our very existence is meant to be enjoyed by him, to bring him great pleasure, in much the same way we enjoy our own children's presence in our lives. He wants each one of us to walk with him and talk with him in the garden in the cool of the day.

to be continued...

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