So why was God's anger kindled against Uzzah? Don't you think we should know so we don't kindle his anger against us? Uzzah was seemingly just trying to steady the Ark as the oxen stumbled. I believe God is showing us here, though I've humbled myself to live among you, though I've stooped low so you may come to know me and co-labor with me, even become one with me in spirit and in truth, make no mistake, I DO NOT NEED MAN'S STRENGTH OR WISDOM ADDED TO MY OWN. Uzzah's name means "strength, boldness" and if we try to "help God out" by putting forth our hand, by adding our strength to him, to his ministry on earth, it will destroy us, destroys our usefulness to him. How many ministries have fallen because of this very sin? How many ministries started off well but became too familiar with him and committed the sin of familiarity?
This is also a hallmark of Babylon for a root word for Babylon is mixture and when we try to add our ways, our thoughts, our strength to his, we end up with Religion. We end up mixing the Holy with the profane, for we must always acknowledge before him, as Jesus did, NO MAN IS GOOD. We can't add anything to him only receive from him (except our love and adoration). He is and has always been complete and perfect, lacking nothing, long before we came on the scene. The lord is our Righteousness, we are not his. We must continually decrease so that he may increase in us. We want every effort on our part to usurp him, every hidden thought or intent of the heart to take any credit for what only he can take credit for to be pruned from us completely. What have we that we did not receive?
So we see then that we must guard ourselves, especially after we become intimate with the Lord, against exalting ourselves to a place where we can "help him out" through our own strength or wisdom. After walking with God in such a mighty way, in such an intimate way for a long time, Paul had this to say - "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" Heb:10:31 (assuming Paul wrote Hebrews). We must all walk in the revelation that God is to be feared. Yes I said FEAR HIM. Uzzah formerly had the ark in his home and his home was mightily blessed as a result but he became too familiar with the Ark of the Presence of God, he became too comfortable. Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. We should never take for granted the incredible place of intimacy he has called us to, we should never become too flippant or casual about it. I met some young believers who were comparing the Holy Spirit to smoking a joint and I think that's too irreverent. Esther was married to the king, still she approached his throne with fear and trembling, still she gave respect and honor to her king, though he was her husband. Contrast her with queen Vashti who became too comfortable and familiar with her husband, the king and refused to come to him when he bid her to. Are you a queen Esther or a queen Vashti? Are you available to God whenever he bids you come? Do you give him the proper honor and respect he deserves without denying him intimacy?
This is the lesson the High priest taught us when he went into the Holy of Holies once a year. If his heart wasn't right, if he didn't obey God's instructions exactly, he was struck dead. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, not the end result but it is the foundation stone of our walk with him. We do go on to be his friends and lovers but we do not ever forget to fear and reverence him. There is a fake fear and reverence for God that religious churches display and this is an affront to God because it denies him intimacy with us. Do not confuse the true with the false, for everything God's Spirit wants to impart to us, there is a false, copy cat spirit that wants to give us the same thing, only false. If God wants to give us peace, this false spirit will offer us peace. If God wants to teach us humility, this false spirit will teach us fake humility (that doesn't involve the heart). If God wants to teach us to love, this false spirit will teach us feigned love, and so on and so on. This false spirit will preach, evangelize, pastor, do all the things God wishes to do to and through us. The best way to tell the difference is by it's fruit. The fruit of the Spirit of God is genuine love, joy, peace, longsuffering, etc. and it produces true intimacy with God and with fellow saints. The false spirit produces death, discord among the brethren, gossip, strife, lust, causes offense, is easily offended, judges everyone but cannot judge itself, and so on and so forth. If we can "taste that the Lord is gracious" 1 Pet:2:3, we can also taste that a false spirit masquerading as the Lord is ungracious, proud, unkind, unloving, etc.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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