Friday, February 11, 2011

Introduction to Jeremiah 50 & 51

By far, Jeremiah is used the most by God to pronounce his judgments against Babylon - Satan's kingdom on earth. Satan wants his kingdom to mimic God's, to look just like God's kingdom in order to fool as many people as possible. Everything Satan does, disguised as God, is a copy because he cannot originate or create anything except sin, especially lies. There can't even be a lie without the truth. No, he has to carbon copy what God has done. In the end, it is all designed to get his followers to say in their hearts, to justify their rebellion as well as his own, "Isn't he glorious and worthy of our worship? He's a much better god than Jesus could ever be". This is what will be revealed in that Day of Judgment so often spoken of in scripture. In that Day, all mankind's hearts will be opened like a book, wide open for all to see. Our God, the only true God, worthy of our worship and everlasting honor sees it all and has already pronounced judgment. He used Jeremiah primarily to pronounce his judgments on Babylon, though all major old testament prophets mention Babylon, including Micah and Zechariah. But Jeremiah is the main man God used, mentioning Babylon in his writings a staggering 171 times compared to the next most prolific mentioner of Babylon, Ezekiel, at 17 times.
Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51 are the definitive chapters concerning Babylon, where it all reaches a sort of crescendo of judgment, where God in his Holy passion and anger, vents his wrath. As sick as Babylon makes me, from God's perspective it must be infinitely worse. In fact, all prophetic scripture is his perspective and we are very privileged to see and know the thoughts and intents of his heart about and for Babylon. As we shall see, God has already planned and purposed Babylon's Judgment long before our day. Isaiah was also given some very important insights into Babylon, much of which confirm Jeremiah's prophecies and we will touch on them later. But chapters 50 & 51 of Jeremiah mention Babylon an amazing 55 times therefore we will focus on these two chapters in particular, to examine God's heart and mind towards Babylon, both then and now.
Remember, the Jews represent God's dealings with mankind in the natural, while the Church represents God's dealings with mankind in the spirit realm, therefore Revelations 17 & 18 parallel Jeremiah 50 & 51, with one book pronouncing judgment on physical Babylon while the other pronounced judgment on spiritual Babylon.
Everything we see God proclaiming against physical Babylon then, in the old testament, he is simultaneously proclaiming against spiritual Babylon now. He is judging both the natural and spiritual realms at the same time. Though the physical city of Babylon was destroyed, the ruling spirit over Babylon was never broken and lives on in the hearts of people all over the earth today. In fact, it is the MAJOR RULING PRINCIPALITY on earth today and just as physical Babylon was judged and destroyed, so will the spirit of Babylon be broken and removed from off the face of the earth and heavens forever. Amen.
PS: Remember and know that there is not a single nation on earth that is free from this ruling principality of Babylon. It's power and reach are everywhere, though there are varying degrees of godliness among nations, with some nations more godly than others in the sight of God.

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