Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verse one

Verse 1 - "The word that The Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet".
Remember that nothing happens that God doesn't first prophecy (Amos 3:7). There is an order to the universe and all times and seasons, all happenings and events are pre-set and pre-known by the Lord. Nothing happens by chance or mistake - when you were born, who you are, what nation you live in, God is in complete control and he uses prophecy to bind it all together, to create and then trigger events that he foreknew before the world began. Even YOU have been prophecied in scripture when he said "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you" Jer:1:5. He wasn't just referring to Jeremiah for he knew you also before you were born. Really, all that will happen has already been prophecied in the Logos (written) word. Still, God is raising up modern day prophets who will speak forth his will into the earth today and who will turn logos word into rhema again, just as the prophets of old turned the rhema (spoken) word into logos. Prophets today give revelation knowledge and understanding of the scriptures as to what the Holy Spirit is revealing through them as well through the rhema word. Really, the rhema and logos word are both one and are in perfect agreement and are interchangeable because they are from the same source, the same author. Those who exalt the logos over the rhema are those who because of pride, do not have the rhema, so they must attack anyone who does and try to get the rhema and logos to conflict with each other, to exalt one over the other and my brethren, all this comes from the flesh, from a false spirit of humility, from a religous spirit of Babylon that promotes division wherever it can, even trying to divide the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Yes, this foul spirit is so divisive, not only does it try to divide the spoken and written word but it's caused christians to camp around one member of the Godhead or another. Whole denominations have sprung up, exalting Jesus over the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Spirit over Jesus, etc.
Truthfully, we should give honor and worship to all three and learn to relate to each one! Many have met Jesus but have not gone on to know the Father and the whole reason Jesus came was to reveal the Father to us! Even a relationship with the Holy Spirit is not enough if we do not go on to know the Father. Really, each member of the Godhead esteem each other more highly than themselves. They are an example for us all.
Babylon was a city in the land of the Chaldeans, now known as Iraq. It's no coincidence there's war and great unrest there at the time of this writing (June 07). This parallels what is happening in the natural realm what is happening in the spirit realm - war has come against Babylon! Just as our father Abraham had to leave this land on a journey that eventually took him to Jerusalem (Mount Moriah is just outside Jerusalem) and a land "I will shew thee" (Gen:12:1), so must we leave our father's house of religous bondage and journey to that place of freedom and true riches God has promised to all who follow him. Right away, from the very first verse of Jeremiah chapter 50, we see GOD IS AGAINST BABYLON and so must we all be.

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