Monday, March 7, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 50 verses 41 - 43

"Behold a people shall come from the north, and a great Nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth". Like verse 9, this speaks of a great nation "from the North". We know that Mount Zion, the throne room of God, sits in the heavens on the "sides of the north" (Ps:48:2). I believe the great nation mentioned here, the "many kings raised up from the coasts of the earth" are God's great end time army of saints, the true sons and daughters of the Most High God. They are truly coming to Ireland, for example, from the coasts of the earth. I've met the Lord's kings sent from America, Africa, Europe and elsewhere, right here in Ireland.Remember, all of us in the Body are a nation of "kings and priests". Some of the african pastors I've met are true examples of God's own heart, mighty in word and in deeds. They are a credit to the Body of Christ, sent by God for such a time as this to break the back of Babylon here in Ireland, and the same is happening all over the world. God is raising up men and women who are free from Babylon's influence, and is sending them forth all over the world. You who are reading this blog, may be one of these kings God is raising and sending, hallelujah!
"They shall hold the bow and the lance: they are cruel and will not show mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea and they shall ride upon horses, every one put in array, like a man to battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon". It's about time we all became like "men to battle", for all of us who belong to Christ are in his service as soldiers, fighting the good fight of faith. We are to have no mercy on the devil, his demons and his will in the earth. "The sea" or seas in scripture represent the unsaved nations of man so this verse is telling us God's great end time army, like the sea, will be made up of all people's and tongues. God is no respecter of persons, outwardly, but has great respect to each person's heart. His warrior Bride will "roar like the sea", in other words, as much of a tumult and a noise the nations make, as much as they rage and take counsel against the Lord and against his anointed (Psalm 2), so shall we make a mighty noise, a roar (like the lion of Juda), when God commands it ON THE SEVENTH DAY, in the seventh millenium. A shout will be heart that will bring down the wall of Babylon around the earth. Like a brass ring, she will shatter at the sound of our battle cry. Once man's voice is silenced, God's voice can be heard. Our place is to shout. Here God speaks to the "daughter of Babylon". See, Babylon will be so utterly destroyed; even her seed will not remain. Everyone who serves and follows Satan is his spawn, his daughter, so to speak. As Jesus told the Pharisees "ye are of your father the devil" (Jn:8:44), so will he say of many in leadership today. They appear to be a part of the Body but are not. Many today are a part of the body of Satan, who appears as an angel of light. They are tares among the wheat and will be judged accordingly.
"The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them, and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail". This verse reveals to us Satan's reaction upon hearing of us, upon the mere knowledge of us, God's great, mature, end time army, full of faith and power to "overcome the wicked one" (1 Jn: 2:13), full of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In spite of all of Satan's efforts, God is still delivering his people into freedom around the world, freeing them from Satan's grasp, teaching them how to do to Satan what he did to them - bind him, defeat him utterly, ultimately destroying all the works of the devil, all sin (for sin is of the devil). Isaiah 13:1-9 are companion verses to these found here in Jeremiah, especially verse nine - "And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth". Let me tell you, when a woman is travailing, she is completely helpless to do any thing else. It's interesting to me that when Jesus was prophesying about the last days in Mathew 24, he says in verse eight, "all these are the beginning of sorrows". Sorrows here refer to birth pains, as of a woman in travail. Could these verses be related? Could the "pangs of a woman in travail" found in Jer:50:43 be the same ones referred to in Mathew 24:8? Could Jesus have been referring to the final judgment of Babylon, the "Day of Judgment of our God" as I believe he did in Luke 17? Saints of God will not escape this travailing, either. We will and must travail to see righteousness birthed in the earth, to see precious souls born unto God. We must travail in prayer and supplication before God to see them saved.
We do know that God will always confirm his word in the mouth of two or three witnesses, do not be surprised if you hear the same thing I am teaching and preaching in this blog from another source. Even the very Godhead will bear witness to one another's word, amen.

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