Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 50

"Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still; remember the Lord afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind". As Babylon collapses, as this world goes up (or down) in flames, we must remember to keep our focus on (New) Jerusalem, our final destination, for she is glorious and beautiful almost beyond description and she is worth giving our lives for, for she is where we'll find him! Jerusalem has always been, in the mind of God a place where God and man live together in perfect harmony. This is what he died for and this is what we live for. "Remember the Lord and let Jerusalem come into your mind" - the churches, often "afar off" from the Lord need to hear this, need to "remember Jerusalem", need to be reminded of where they came from and where they're going. Every gentile (non jewish) believer on earth should at some point in their lives, travel to Israel, the land of their birth to see where they came from and where they're going. Israel, at this time, is the spiritual capitol of the world and one day soon will be it's physical capitol. Those who desire a "one world government" will soon get it, only it will not be as they envisioned for the entire world will become a theocracy, with Jesus himself reigning from Jerusalem.
All those who escape the sword of religious pride need to remember the Lord and Jerusalem. This scripture is especially poignant in the light of the jewish survivors of the Holocaust, for out of the ashes of the many victims of the Holocaust rose the modern day state of Israel and every survivor could then dare to let Jerusalem come into their mind, every one that escaped the sword. Even so, every saint who survives the coming holocaust of the judgment of Babylon on earth, should remember the Lord and let Jerusalem come into their mind, for out of the ashes of the saints sacraficed in these final days will rise the New Jerusalem, Glorious, Eternal, a place where God and Man will never again be separated, hallelujah!

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