Monday, April 4, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse 49

"As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth". Satan will reap what he has sown. Indeed, all who have mocked and cursed Israel will themselves be cursed. Someone recently told me that in Revelation, the number of people who die in the various plagues and judgments released in the end days, two thirds, is in direct proportion to the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust. I've also noticed that if you study Israel carefully from 1948 onward, for every Jew killed about six of their enemy's have died. Why? Because God's hand is upon Israel again! His heart is toward her therefore who can be against her? If we are in Christ, our hearts should be towards her also. Satan is against anyone who is in Covenant with God. We, the saints, are included in "Israel" today. We are inheritors with and are now a part of "the commonwealth of Israel". See, at one time, every gentile, that is every non-Jew, was "without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world, but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ" (Eph:2:12&13). Never forget that the blood shed at Calvary was Jewish blood. Our covenant by his blood is not new in the sense that he has turned away from Israel to the gentiles, but rather it's a New Covenant with Israel, in that it is now written on their hearts with the blood of the risen lamb, shed once, for all and we as gentiles can now be grafted into them, into their covenant with God, Hallelujah! God graciously includes all peoples on earth but lest we forget, Jesus was a Jewish saviour who came naught but for the lost sheep of Israel and it is for Israel he will return. His bride is Israel! He states several times in scripture that he is married to her. Isaiah 54 is a wonderful expression of his heart for his beloved Israel and it is also a declaration of the fulfillment of Romans 11, that "all Israel shall be saved". "All Israel" meaning all who have become one new man with her, all who have joined themselves with her in her new, eternal, covenant with God. "All Israel" means you and I and every believer on earth. IF their falling away was our salvation, what will their return be but life from the dead!
The destiny of the church and the destiny of Israel are one and the same - to be married to God forever! It's about time the "Church" (The called out ones, from Babylon into Israel), awakened to the fact they have been privileged to join Israel, not replace her. Every rite and ceremony we have as christians is an extension of a biblical Jewish custom or tradition. Everything, from communion to baptism to applying the blood of Jesus to our sin record is thoroughly Jewish. Read Romans 11 again very carefully, with a humbled heart. You will why the Holy Spirit is birthing such a love for Israel in the hearts of his people everywhere. You will see why he is bringing an understanding of our Jewish roots because without an understanding of where we came from, we cannot understand where we are going. We are all going to join Israel at the wedding supper of the Lamb for a thoroughly Jewish wedding! Hallelujah! And this brings out another sign as to whether someone or some church is in Babylon or not - Do they love the Jewish people? Do they have a heart of gratitude for them and what they have suffered on our behalf? Or do they despise and hate them or worse, ignore them completely?
Some christians believe the "Old Testament" is for the Jews and the "New Testament" is for christians. The truth is, the New Covenant in His blood is for Israel. One cannot have a "New" without an "Old". He was speaking to THE JEWS when he said "But this shall be the covenant that I will make WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts" (Jer:31:33). This "New Covenant" isn't unique in that God suddenly developed a heart for the gentiles. No, the Old covenant also made provision for the stranger, for any gentile that wished to join Israel in their God granted covenant. This New covenant is the one all christians claim as their own, yet see that God has not made two separate covenants with mankind, one with the Jews and one with the gentiles. No, he has only one covenant at a time with mankind, always through Israel and he has invited all "strangers in the land" to become citizens of the commonwealth of Israel, to become adopted into God's family forever. How wonderful! He always meant for Israel to be the means by which he would evangelize the world, to introduce himself to the world, to show the world through Israel that God "Is real", but Israel turned inward and became proud of the fact they were God's chosen people. Chosen for what? To show the world who the only true, living God is, to reveal his character and nature and name to the world, as the Church today is also mandated to do. Yet most churches today are far more interested in drawing people to their church, rather than the kingdom of God, mistakenly believing their church is a true representation of the kingdom of God. Many cannot bring them into the kingdom of God because they themselves do not dwell there.
Do we all have to become Jewish in every way? No, the apostles made it clear, gentile believers DO NOT have to keep the feasts, and honor various Jewish traditions and customs except to "abstain from the POLLUTIONS OF IDOLS and from fornication, and from things strangled with blood" (Acts:15:20). NO, we don't HAVE TO keep the feasts, we GET TO! We don't do it as we are under a law, we do it of our own free will as a Bride would do what she knows will please and honor her husband. The feasts after all are from the Lord (our husband) and are expressions of his heart for his people, ways of pleasing him. Remember, he changes not. You better believe there will be feasting in Heaven! What pleased him then, pleases him now, and will please him forever. He is pleased not with the blood of bulls and goats but with the concept of bringing flesh to him in sacrafice.
But if you do not keep the feasts, O gentile believer grafted into Israel, make sure what you do is pleasing to him and is not born out of a misplaced sense of freedom or independence, for we have not been set free of sin and death and brought into liberty (in Christ) so we can do whatever we please but so we can do whatever pleases HIM. Americans have struggled with a spirit of independence sever since we came out from under British rule. This same spirit permeates the churches across our land, in the USA. This is one reason why so many separate denominations have sprung up there. We are all now in a place where we can do the Will of the Father, amen. All you do must be birthed by, led by, and finished by the Holy Spirit. Everything else comes from a false representative of the Holy Spirit known as the Religious Spirit. The religious spirit does not operate by real faith of and from God. It is Jesus' faith imparted to us from the Holy Spirit that we walk in and not our own. NO, the "faith" most walk in is faith in man and his ability to do right on his own, apart from God. Their faith is in man's interpretation of God, not God's interpretation of man. They trust in themselves to know and do what is pleasing to God. Like the book of Judges, many churches today are doing what is right in their own eyes.
In most modern churches, what pleases God or whether or not God shows up at a service is inconsequential. Oh, he might show up during worship, in response to the people's heart cries for him, but the typical reaction to his presence is to quench him and go on with the rest of the "service". Time for announcements! Really, this is like a woman wooing her husband, arousing him, then, just when he's ready for intimacy, she quits and leaves the bedroom to go shopping! We all need to learn to "wait upon the Lord" corporately, as well as individually. We need to wait on him like Ruth did for Boaz when she lay naked at his feet. We need to do all that our mother in law (Israel) bades us do in order to please him for she knows better than we in many ways. We need to wash ourselves, anoint ourselves and put on proper garments when we approach him (Ruth 3:3). Ruth, as a gentile brought into an Israeli home through marriage, is a type of all gentile believers today coming forth into intimacy with the God of Israel. Boaz represents Jesus and we all need to humble ourselves, as Ruth did, and become naked at his feet and say to him "I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid" (Ruth 3:9). It is his righteousness that covers us, it is his love that redeems us. The "white raiment" he counsels us to buy in Revelation three is "robes made white in the blood of the Lamb". He is our true "kinsman redeemer". It is his skirt we must all become covered with and this can only happen when we become completely submitted to him, naked and vulnerable. Get rid of your man-made fig leaf! Get rid of religion, man's attempt to cover his guilt and shame by using something God provided in a way he never intended. We must declare to him, from beneath his skirt, in the midst of our nakedness, "I cannot survive without you. I am completely dependent on you to survive". From there, we are also saying "I exist to give you pleasure. The rest of my life is dedicated to pleasing you".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...