The Pharisees had not his word abiding in their hearts, only in their minds. The same is true today of many pastors. Their churches become so focused on correct doctrine (which cannot come from man anyway, only from the Holy Spirit) and teaching the Word by standing and talking about it that they become unable to DO the Word, to perform it. Listen to Paul - ""And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Cor:2:4). Paul is pointing to a trap he knew many in ministry can fall into, that is being hearers of the word only and not doers. Pride leads them to let doctrine become the focus of their fellowship whereas the Holy Spirit would lead us to camp around Christ, even as the Tabernacle of His Presence was the central focus of the Israelites camp, with God himself at the very center of their daily existence. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt:18:20). We are in fellowship around our risen, living Savior, the only true source of life and godliness and healing we will ever know. Religious saints are forever wanting to know - what church do you go to? This is so they can satisfy the demands of the religious spirit they are following which wants to prevent them from knitting their hearts with yours in love, so it makes them immediately define you in their minds as someone who "goes to another church". The only question the Holy Spirit would have us ask, or know, when meeting someone who claims to be of Christ is exactly that - are you born of God? There are no competing, separate churches in God's kingdom, in fact there is no division whatsoever in his Body! Read Ephesians chapter four again. In his Body, all are one and all are being perfected in love for God and each other. THe truth is, his Body is very healthy today, he is raising up a beautiful Bride, who perfectly reflects him, all over the world. Wherever you find division and hate in the so called "christians", they are not under God's influence and rule but are in Babylon!
When God looks at a city, he sees his Blood and that alone defines who is his and who is not. All the labels "christians" put on each other come from man, not from God. It is a truth that if a "christian" cannot knit their heart with GOD"S in love, they will certainly not be able to knit their heart with yours. Especially if your heart is full of genuine love and not faked. They will hate you and put you out of their fellowships because you are a constant reminder of who they're not. Take courage dear one, if you are reading this and you can relate to these truths for it is a sign you are on the right path. In these last days, many will not endure sound doctrine but will heap to themselves teachers (2 Tim:4:3). The only teacher we need, or should ever give heed to, it the Holy Spirit, yet Bible colleges are turning out teachers by the dozen who have no idea how to discern the written word by the one who originally inspired it, the Holy Spirit. They have been trained instead to listen to man's voice, man's wisdom, they've been taught to interpret the Word according to their churches teachings passed down from generation to generation, without ever learning how to hear from the only one who really know how to correctly teach it to begin with. And the many who do not wish to hear sound doctrine, which only the Holy Spirit can teach, naturally reject the Holy Spirit from their midst and are more than happy to surround themselves with teachers who will support them in their error, teachers who do not know the Holy Spirit. Those who do not love the Holy Spirit love to submit themselves to teachers who do not know him. In fact, "heaping teachers to themselves" is a way for them to justify their hardened, religious hearts which produce doctrines of men and honor doctrines of devils that are contrary to the word of God. Yes, devils teach doctrine just as readily as the Holy Spirit will, if allowed. The churches are full of their teachings. By heaping teachers, they believe their false doctrines are validated, because how could so many be so wrong? There is safety in numbers. Don't you believe it. Narrow is the way and few there be that find it...A false prophet may harm an individual, a church or maybe a country but a false teacher can infect a whole generation and his false teaching can be passed down to the next generation and on and on. This is why James warns that Teachers will receive the "greater condemnation".
We are truly living in a day when Peter's prophecy has come to pass "But there were false prophets among the people, even as THERE SHALL BE FALSE TEACHERS AMONG YOU, WHO PRIVILY SHALL BRING IN DAMNABLE HERESIES (prophecy doesn't exist today, God only speaks through his written word), EVEN DENYING THE LORD THAT BOUGHT THEM and bring upon themselves swift destruction. AND MANY SHALL FOLLOW THEIR PERNICIOUS WAYS, BY REASON OF WHOM THE WAY OF TRUTH SHALL BE EVIL SPOKEN OF. AND THROUGH COVETOUSNESS SHALL THEY MAKE MERCHANDISE OF YOU" (2 Pet:2:1-3). OH how many today have been led astray by false teachers and been made merchandise of. How many have been fleeced of their money by snakes in sheep's clothing, teaching that "Gain is godliness"! This has caused great shame to come to his great name all over the world as the world associates the name of Jesus with money more than anything else. And many, many are deceived by these false teachers Peter speaks of. The crowd mentality will send more people to Hell than just about any other motivation. Many will simply choose the wrong path because everyone else is. Many of the 70 disciples that left Jesus were probably on the fence till they saw more and more abandoning him and they must have privately thought, how could so many be so wrong? I'm out of here too. The path of Life IS NARROW and FEW there be that find it and remain on it their entire lives. It is ultimately a lonely path. Jesus was a man of sorrows and so will we be if we follow him. It will grieve us as it did him to see so many lost and living in Babylon.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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