To further summarize some thoughts expressed previously in this blog, a dangerous result of abiding in Babylon, of remaining therein, especially after the Holy Spirit has called us to come out, is that our hearts grow more and more hardened to God, to His Spirit's leading, to his presence. And the religious spirit of Babylon is always more than ready and willing to take his place, disguised as God. When and if this happens, our "Christianity" becomes purely an intellectual excercise. We no longer know him, we only know about him. We cannot then know him in our spirits, that is in our hearts because our spirits are bound to another spirit, our hearts belong to another. Though we seek him with tears (emotionally, soulishly), we do not find him. We become ever learning but never arriving at the truth, the personification of truth, Jesus himself. Churches that know God only with the mind, and do not engage him (and each other) with their hearts, become doctrinally centered and not Christ centered. They meet and camp around a set of doctrines, remaining there, long after the pillar of fire has left them. This is why they exalt their doctrines above Christ himself, just as the Pharisees did when confronted with the Word made flesh. They denied him, strove against him, choosing their doctrines instead. They chose their interpretation/understanding of the Word over the very Word himself.
There is a Duck-billed Platypus in all of our theology somewhere. A Duck-billed Platypus is a creature that does not fit neatly into scientists understanding of the world. It is an amalgamation of several species, part mammal, part bird, etc. I believe God put them there on purpose, to show man that he is in charge and he can change the rules if he pleases. God will purposely, at some point in our walk with him, do or say something that does not fit into our understanding of him. He will do this to test us, to see where our loyalties lie, to see if we are willing to follow him or make him submit to us, to our understanding. He knew that when he taught his followers to "eat my flesh and drink my blood" he would lose many of them but he taught it anyway. He was weeding out all those who would choose a comfortable set of doctrines their minds could agree with over the truth. Doctrines that make sense! Doctrines that come from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Jesus broke the law, not of God but of man, laws that man had added to the Word, laws that came from hardened, religious hearts. Actually, Jesus is the only man that ever lived that kept the Law perfectly. We never see him bring a sacrafice to the temple for sin because he was sinless. This is why he said an often misunderstood passage of scripture - "For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law UNTIL ALL BE FULFILLED" (Mt:5:18). Jesus is the only one that could ever fulfill the law and he did so, perfectly. The commandments he is referring to in verse 19 are the NEW commmandments he is giving through the Gospels, do not lust, do not hate, etc., not the law of Moses. He is now dealing with our hearts, writing the Law on our hearts. Verse 20 shows us we have to exceed the righteousness that comes from keeping the Law, which the Pharisees did about as well as anybody ever could because it doesn't change our hearts. Our righteousness can only come from Jesus himself, who far exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees because the righteousness that comes from keeping the Law will always come from something we have done, it will always originate with us. We can take credit for it because we did it. Since Jesus alone fulfilled the Law, we as his disciples, his sons and daughters, can also fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law by LOVING ONE ANOTHER. Love works no ill to his neighbor; therefore Love is the fulfillment of the Law. If we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength and we love our neighbor as ourself, we are under a higher law than the law of Moses, we are under the Royal Law, according to James, the perfect law of liberty: liberty from sin and death and all of Babylon's ways, liberty to live in a manner pleasing to the Father.
to be continued.....
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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