Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Haggai part one

Well, I've been seeking the Lord about what to write next after "A Tale of Two Kings" and the answer came last night through my nine year old daughter Karianna. Each night I sit down with the children and we seek the Lord. Karinanna came up with a verse from Haggai and right then the Holy Spirit began to expound upon it and other verses there. So thanks Karianna for the following revelation -

In verse one of Haggai, he establishes the fact that the following word from God is to Zerubbabel and Joshua, one a governor and one a priest. Notice that "Zerubbabel" means "descended of Babylon". There is hope for all who have been captive to Babylon, to the false religious worldly system called "christianity"! Isn't that wonderful news? To anyone caught in denominationalism, God is still reaching out to you, he is still speaking to you, today, through his Spirit. Listen to his word to you, all you leadership following the spirit of Babylon and not the Holy Spirit -
"This people say, the time is not come, the time that the Lord's house should be built". For too long now, I and many other apostles and prophets have been crying out - stop building the house made with hands, stop building your own houses, your own churches and denominations and attend to the Lord's house. Build his house and body, which has nothing to do with denominations. His people are Holy and peculiar and do not belong to any man made, man ruled organization. HIS PEOPLE ARE A SUPERNATURAL PEOPLE BORN OF HIS SPIRIT, SEPARATE FROM THE SPIRIT OF THIS FALLEN WORLD, WHICH EXALTS MAN AND PUTS MAN IN CHARGE AND USES MAN'S WISDOM AND STRENGTH TO LEAD AND RULE". No, his people are like the wind WHICH CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY MAN NOR DOES IT ORIGINATE WITH MAN. Amen.
Listen, it is time to build his house through apostolic and prophetic leadership and revelation, no other way will suffice because this is God's way - Eph:2:20-22 - "And are built upon the foundation of the APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord, for a habitation of God through the Spirit".
While God uses apostles and prophets as a foundation without which no house can be built, it is Jesus himself in whom the body grows, as living stones, into a house that God can dwell in by his spirit. If God isnt dwelling in you by his spirit, you are not a part of his house. If he isnt in your church or denomination by his spirit, they arent a part of his house. The single defining hall mark of a true christian is love BUT IT IS THE LOVE OF GOD SHED ABROAD IN OUR HEARTS BY HIS SPIRIT that sets us apart. Any one can love but only those with the Holy Spirit dwelling within can love with the love of God.

Next up, verse three of Haggai chapter one...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...