Friday, May 27, 2011

Haggai part three

Chapter One, verse five -
"Now Therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts; CONSIDER YOUR WAYS". Consider all that you do as it pertains to God, all that you think is pleasing to him, all your religious ceremonies and traditions, your rituals. Consider the possibility that you might not be pleasing him, that you might not know what spirit you are truly of. Consider that you might be one of the captives he has come to set free, you might be one of the blind who needs to receive sight, you might be "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked", yes, consider your ways. Though all your religious ways seem to be right in the eyes of man "there is a way that seems right to men whose end result is death". Religion, with all it's trappings, looks so good on the outside and it appeals to the carnal, fleshly mind of man. It appeals to our pride and our need to be led as sheep. Most church "services" blindly follow a preset pattern of meeting that excludes the Holy Spirit and his divine leadership. He has no say in the matter and indeed, though Christ is declared to be Lord and King in song and sermon, he most definitely is neither, for a King is only thus as long as his Will is being done and in most "services" his will is ignored. I could expound upon this for twenty pages, insight the Lord has given me as to how a service led by him would look like. Indeed, he has taken me in the Spirit to a time in the future and let me sit in on a service unlike any I had ever seen, for it was wholly Holy Spirit led. It was wonderful. Perhaps I will describe it to you in a future missive, suffice it to say for now, God is attending to his house, long neglected by our so called Christian leaders. God is going to soon give his house an "extreme makeover". Like the TV show where they go into a home and very quickly so transform and alter it that it is unrecognizable from it's former state, God is going to do this to his house. And make no mistake, when he is done, it will be like the show in that his house will be vastly improved from what it was before. Amen.
Let us all, now, consider our ways. Let us now each one privately, hold up with open hand and heart all our habits, practices, traditions before the Lord AND LET THE HOLY SPIRIT BLOW UPON THEM AND THAT WHICH IS CHAFF, THAT WHICH IS DEAD OR PRODUCES DEATH, LET HIM BLOW IT AWAY, LET HIM CLEANSE US OF IT, THAT THAT WHICH REMAINS IS OF HIM AND HIM ALONE. Amen. Breathe on us now, Holy Spirit, drive far from us all that opposes you or does not come from you. Open our blind eyes and show us the truth, show us what is good to you and what is evil in your sight. Not just blatant sins like lust and murder but those sins that guise themselves as good deeds, as Holy and righteous, as pleasing acts unto you. Please reveal our nakedness now, that we might still have time to repent and be covered properly, rather than later at the judgment seat, when it will be too late to seek garments only you can provide. Let us be covered by robes of righteousness from the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and not be covered by unrighteous, sinful man, no matter if he has a title bestowed upon him by man, by some seminary or organization, by some denomination not born of you. Deliver oh Lord, this day, from all evil, and in particular the evil that our own hearts allow, that encourages us to deny you and receive the false religious spirit of satan, disguised as a being of light, instead. Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...