Monday, May 30, 2011

Haggai part four

Chapter one verse six & seven -

The following verse perfectly describes christianity as a religion. As any true believer knows, religion, whether it be muslim, jewish or christian, or any other, originates with man. Man is the author of it, with a few subtle pushes in the right direction from Satan. What religion does, is, it pretends to honor God and indeed, worship him, but never truly puts God on the throne of the heart. He is honored with lips only, not with hearts. His name is used to lend legitimacy to all they say and do. In christianity, his name gives them the appearance of authenticity (many will come in MY NAME, deceiving many). Yet, for all their effort, for all the time and attention they give to their religion, to the bi-weekly gatherings most churches are accustomed to, they have very little to show for it. Even the mega-churches are quite empty of anything of real spiritual substance. It's all a big show, appealing outwardly to the soulish, carnal side of man, but inwardly having very little impact in a lasting spiritual way. Yes, they impact people emotionally but they are not preparing souls for an eternity with Christ. Hear the word of the Lord - "YE HAVE SOWN MUCH, AND BRING IN LITTLE; YE EAT, BUT YE HAVE NOT ENOUGH; YE DRINK, BUT YE ARE NOT FILLED WITH DRINK; YE CLOTHE YOU, BUT THERE IS NONE WARM; AND HE THAT EARNETH WAGES EARNETH WAGES TO PUT IT INTO A BAG WITH HOLES."
They try and try and try apart from the Holy Spirit to produce something valuable spiritually but it can never be. They end up laboring to get more people into their churches, not into the kingdom of God. Really, they become zealots for their particular church or denomination, trying so hard to get people to visit and perhaps join, thinking this is going to save their souls, that is, sitting in a pew in thier services for the rest of their lives will get them to heaven. What a tragedy. Oh sure, many churches have altar calls and in them, some are genuinly born again but once that happens, the babies are fed religious pap and never grow up to maturity. They are kept in an immature state for the rest of their lives. Any sign of maturity is most often met with condemnation. No, _________________________(put your name here), you arent ready for that, you arent mature enough, sit at my feet, listen to my sermons AND BY LISTENING TO ME EVERY WEEK YOU WILL COME TO MATURITY EVENTUALLY, when we deem it so. There is a time and place to sit and listen to Holy Spirit filled teachers but it must be balanced with action, we must also be given opportunity to practice what is being preached, if what is being preached is inspired by the Holy Spirit, who desires to raise up powerful warriors capable of moving in his giftings and anointing. "THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS, CONSIDER YOUR WAYS".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...