Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Tale of Two Kings part eight

Chapter 17 1 Samuel

In this chapter, we see God’s people gathered together in Shochoh, in Judah. They are camped in Praise (Judah means praise). They have come to “set the battle in array against the Philistines”. In verse three, we see the philistines stood on a mountain on one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other and there was a valley between them – this is a picture of what many today call “having church”. They come together in praise and worship, posturing themselves as if they’re going to confront, do battle with and defeat the enemy, yet they never do. They say he’s under their feet but they never put him there. We all have a Goliath to face, every person, every church. Goliath means “to strip, to denude, to exile, to shame and disgrace” and if we do not defeat him, this will be our fate. Physical Israel was confronted by a physical goliath. Spiritual Israel, (the church) is confronted by a spiritual goliath. He mocks and taunts us today and challenges us to a duel. The devil assigned to you can only prevail through intimidation. If you refuse to believe his lies or listen to his barbs, if you trust wholeheartedly instead in God’s word to you, you will win. Like Goliath, in verse ten, Satan says to the saints today – “I defy the Body of Christ” and like then, many today are “dismayed and greatly afraid”.
How often today do I hear doubt and unbelief from the mouths of God’s people? How often do I hear fear? And they don’t even realize what spirit they are of. When God sends me on an assignment, I often have to guard my heart and rebuke words of unbelief and fear sent from the enemy through my very own brothers and sisters in Christ. But praise God – there is a man in Israel who reflects God’s own heart!
In verse 15, we see that David, while the others are “having church”, is tending to his father’s sheep – exactly what he’ll do later as king, tend to his (heavenly) father’s sheep. He’s spending his time growing intimate with God (this is after God’s spirit came upon him). We also, in order to grow in intimacy with God must “wait for the promise of the Father”, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, before we can receive power and become effective witnesses, even to the uttermost parts of the earth. And do you know what is the greatest power we will ever receive from the Holy Spirit? The ability to love as Jesus does. His love shed abroad in our hearts is the greatest gift we will ever receive from him. Another fact we see here in 1 Samuel chapter 17 is that though David was anointed to be king, he waited for God’s timing. He went right on being an obedient son to his father knowing this was pleasing to his Father.
He is sent to provide sustenance for his brothers. Whether they receive it or not, our heavenly Father will often send us to provide spiritual food for our brothers playing church. But we are also to provide sustenance to those who really are on the front lines, battling the enemy. Please give, as God leads, to missionaries and others out confronting the enemy. Yet in our scenario here, they’re making a lot of noise, they “shouted for the battle” but no one’s confronting Goliath, no one’s actually fighting. All the men of Israel, when they “saw the man, fled from him and were sore afraid”. Our response should be “I will not fear what man can do to me”, any man, even Goliath. (Ps:118:6)
Now, when David responds to Goliath from a godly, faith filled heart, his own brother rebukes him and chastises him. God’s anointed will always have to endure jealous, envious brethren and those who walk in fear of the enemy and not in faith toward God. Secretly, Eliah is thinking, God picked him and he should have picked me, after all, I’m the eldest! God often seems foolish in his choice of who he will use. He does this to confound the wise of this world. He often chooses the younger over the older, he did it with Jacob and Esau and He’ll do it today. In fact, He is today rejecting the older generation that “set not their heart aright and whose spirit was not steadfast with God” (Ps:78:7), and is instead choosing a generation that will “set their hope in God and not forget the works of God but keep His commandments”.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...