Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Tale of Two Kings part seven

In 1 Samuel, chapter 16, we see Samuel living in fear for his life from Saul. Ungodly leaders, rejected by God, will try to kill those whom God favors. Witness Cain and Abel, Pharoah and Israel, Herod and Jesus, and on and on. Gal: 4:29 – “But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now”. But God has an assignment for Samuel. He’s going to provide him a king from the sons of Jesse. Here we see an important function of apostles and prophets – God uses them to recognize and ordain his leadership in the Body of Christ. The oil represents the Holy Spirit of which apostles and prophets are full of, in close contact with, walking in. Another great truth is found in verse seven – God’s true children are those who’s hearts belong to him. In the false religious churches they are going by the outward appearance, look at our beautiful building! The pastor and leadership team are always dressed immaculately, are often very handsome – looking good to man! But where are their hearts? God knows it’s easy to fool carnal saints by looking and sounding good outwardly but we can’t fool God. God’s sign that a man (or woman) belongs to Him is found in verse 13 – the Spirit of the Lord is on him and these days, in him. I care for no other credentials. Either the Holy Spirit witnesses to my spirit that you are his (Rom:8:16), either you manifest his fruit and his gifts to me or I will not receive you as being of Christ. Even the most immature and baby of Christians has the scent of the Holy Spirit about them. If you are faking it, I trust God I will see right through your religious garb, at least within a few times of meeting you. Discerning the false from the real is a very important gift we each need in this day of great deception we are living in.
In verse 14, God replaces his Spirit on Saul with an evil spirit. Now your theology might not be willing to accept that God will send evil spirits to torment people but did he not sanction, or allow, Satan to torment Job? And did not Jesus warn us in a parable (Mt: 18) that he would deliver the wicked servant to the tormentors? And will he not one day turn over all the wicked ones to be tormented forever in Hell? Everything, evil spirits included, work for God to accomplish his purposes on the earth today, to bring about good for His people, amen. Interestingly, God sends the future king to minister to the one he’s replacing. The one who had the anointing is now comforted by the one who now has it. This is God’s mercy, trying to show Saul his true condition and that his hand is now on David. God will use his anointed today, his apostles and prophets to comfort the false leaders of the apostate church. He will demonstrate his might and power, the moving of his Spirit to them, as a sign or a wonder. Even Jesus said (John :5:36) that his works testified that he was sent by God. Our works will show that we have God’s favor, though they alone are not what we are to judge one another by. Yet for all this, Saul did not repent but tried to kill the one sent by God to bless him.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...