Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part eight

What was (is) the answer, the only answer (hope)  there will ever be for the man at the pool of Bethesda? A personal encounter with Jesus the Christ. Our very existence as born-again christians begins and ends this way and indeed, it must continue this way throughout our days on this earth. There is no other way. He chooses now to meet with us in the Spirit, which is much more intimate, by the way. Our gatherings together should be continuing encounters with Jesus for each of us personally, encounters with the Christ in each of us. Whenever two or three are gathered together in my name, meaning we are married to him, there am I in the midst of them. He is there in the midst of us, to meet with us, to fellowship with us. If our gathering together is an encounter with our pastor or elder only, what a shame because Jesus is then limited to that one man to meet the needs of an entire congregation of people each and every sunday (and wednesday nite). "Bethesda" means "house of kindness", by the way. Someone had to feed and care for all those sick people at the pool of Bethesda. Keep them alive, even as they remained in their sickness. Great effort was expended, lots of money too, probably, to care for that multitude, probably by people who thought they were doing God a great service. Many of the churches today really are "houses of kindness". They mean well and they really do care for people, but the people by and large remain in a weak and sick condition. If all our churches do is be "hospitals" full of sick and lame folk while the power to heal them is in their very midst, yet healing and maturity are never attained, is this really such a great kindness, a great service? It irks me to see an interpreter for the deaf in a church service! They should be laying hands on the deaf and healing them. If they are having a personal encounter with Jesus when they meet, this would happen. But it doesn't because they aren't. Rather then gather in his name they are gathering in the name of their church or denomination.
It's time to "rise, take up your bed and walk", walk away from all those sick folk, walk away from laying around and doing nothing for God, in his mighty kingdom, walk away from being spiritually lame and impotent and sick and never seeing the might and power God has provided for every believer on earth.

to be continued....

PS FOr the next week , I will be at summer camp with my daughters (yea!) so I wont be able to blog till next saturday or sunday. God Bless everyone, remember to "gaze at God and glance at your problems". Chris

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...