Monday, August 8, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part sixteen

Let us consummate our marriage to him. Let us enter in fully to his presence. As a congregation, let us not pledge our love to him but then hold back our love. To love him is to love one another. We cannot separate the two. We must lay our lives down for one another as he did for us. We must love one another with unfeigned love, fervently! These are not idle words but the cry of God's heart for his people! One of his last acts on earth was to wash our feet. So do ye likewise to one another! Whole congregations should go and wash each other's feet. Wash away all the dirt and grime we all accumulate in this life as we walk through this filthy world. Our feet are that which make contact with the world on a daily basis. We must make contact with the lost, corrupt flesh around us each day. Yet, we must also cleanse ourselves of this daily with the washing of the Word. White churches - go to a black church and wash their feet. Black churches - go to a white church and wash their feet. Break down all fleshly, soulish barriers between us. Do it with a meek and contrite spirit our of a pure heart. Destroy all divisions and boundaries with love (which, by the way, was Martin Luther King Jr.s' weapon of choice).
The goal of all five-fold headship ministry is love, that is, to mature us all into the fullness of Christ, who is love incarnate. Here's a good way to remember this -


God will use all of the above to perfect our walk, so let love have it's perfect work in us. Let us all, of all denominations, knit our hearts together in love. Against such, there is no law because God's love needs no governing for it works no ill or harm to it's neighbor. Let us all fulfill the cry of Jesus' heart as he knelt in fervent prayer for you and I. Let us be One as he is One. This is my commandment, that you love one another; that your joy may be full. God models his love to us as an example to us that we may learn to follow. How many times has he forgiven our sins? Too many to count. Go and do likewise. Woe to those servants who, when I come, I find them lording it over their fellow servants!
Each and every one of you are precious to the Father and to me. Change is coming to the Church because it must. Great change came to the earth quickly because of the flood in Noah's day and great change has come quickly to the earth today because of the flood of knowledge and understanding being poured out in the natural realm and likewise great change is coming to the Spirit realm because of knowledge and understanding being released by the Holy Spirit. It will happen quickly. Prepare for it by being receptive to all the Holy Spirit reveals to us. Maturity will come very quickly as a result. My nine year old is much more mature than I was at her age.
Whom the Lord loves he chastens. Change is a natural result of both life and death. Let it be life! Change is a natural result of either growth or destruction. Let is be growth and maturity! Choose wisely! Rejoice all you saints of God, again I say rejoice!

Note from author: I begin my summer vacation today, so blogs from now till September will be sporadic. I invite you to explore past blogs and I look forward to, God willing and I live, sharing with you again soon. God bless and keep you and may his face continually shine upon you. Once in awhile, send me a comment or question! Chris Michael Waxman

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...