Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part fifteen

Leaders, let us never take the revelation of Christ that God imparts to us, that he entrusts us with, and use it to make disciples who follow us; rather let Christ make disciples of himself, through us. Let us not make man in our image. Sure, a certain amount of our personality and charachter will be deposited in those who become our spiritual children or who accept our guidance and friendship. In fact, leadership can be compared to a cow. A cow will digest food, then regurgitate it for it's young to eat, after breaking it down in it's stomach. Leadership will often take the Holy Spirit's revelations and digest them first before regurgitating it for those less mature in a form they can swallow. In the process, sometimes some of what is in us, good and bad, will be swallowed too. Only let us not wield our authority in such a way as to keep God from inhabiting his temple, as the Pharisees did. Who gave Jesus the right to overturn those tables where doctrines and religion are bought and sold? Who gave him the right to be in this temple at all? Crucify him!
Let us go on to know Him, corporately as a covenant keeping people, not just know about him. In the bosom of his love for us, all our shame is covered, all our needs are met, Ruth. Our Boaz will surely pity us. We will glean all we will ever need from his field of abundance. Then, as we lie quietly at his feet, as a people in one accord, in one spirit, as we approach him with a meek and contrite spirit, our marriage will be consummated. Let us practice this when we meet together! He will then have his way with his bride! With us! He will shower forth gifts to adorn his bride, as Abraham's servant brought TEN CAMELS LADEN WITH GIFTS so does the Holy Spirit do to us.  His gifts will meet every need and delight and satisfy us and are sweet to the fullfilling of every longing, dry and thirsty soul. Truly our churches will become like well-watered gardens full of shade and good fruit and the leaves will heal the nations! Once they are free of the spirit of Babylon, that is to say the spirit of religion, satan's lies and deceptions.
Oh, the world is indeed a dry and arid place, a desert, deserted of all we need to birth and sustain eternal life and the only place a human soul can go to survive is God's Church, the kingdom of heaven on earth. We alone have what they need. We alone have Him!

to be continued....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...