Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part twelve

I would like to say that the decision to leave a church should be made by mature saints but unfortunately, most pastors keep their flock in a state of immaturity. Maybe it's because they themselves are immature. Remember Paul's frustration in Hebrews 5? Should a child remain in a family where their needs aren't being met and they aren't being properly prepared for and guided into adulthood? Should a wife remain in an abusive relationship? Yet often she will, believing she has no where else to go. Saints, never put up with spiritual abuse from your pastor and leadership for it is just as deadly, just as harmful in the long run, as physical abuse.
Make no mistake though, there is a difference between the Holy Spirit compelling you to leave a fellowship and your flesh or the maturing process making you uncomfortable so you find a fault or an excuse to leave. The truth is, you can't leave the Body of Christ. You can choose not to fellowship with a certain group of people but dear one, this doesn't mean you are no longer a christian. Do you cease to be an American when you travel to another land? Of course not. Your citizenship remains the same. You belong to the household of faith. You are a christian wherever you are, whomever you are with. Certainly we all need to remain in fellowship with other saints but it must be a healthy relationship where the love and Spirit of God is flowing freely back and forth between us.
The emphasis, once again, should be, what spirit are you of? Is it the Holy Spirit leading you or a spirit of rebellion? How will you know the difference? It takes intimacy and maturity and many of us are in a state of immaturity but the Holy Spirit will never abandon you, no matter what condition you are in, if you sincerely desire the truth and freedom he will not fail you but will lead you to safety. I have faith for you. I see and believe for the day, the glorious day, when we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, the day of the perfect man (Adam) once again, even unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. I see this day and I groan for it as does all creation. Oh we see in part, we know in part, truly the Bible can only be revealed to us in glimpses because if we saw him in the fullness of his glory at this time, in our condition, we would be overcome, overwhelmed. Often he must come to us in disguise. We see through a glass darkly, for our own protection. Who can look directly at the sun without songlasses?

to be continued.......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...