Friday, August 5, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part thirteen

The Day of the Apostle is upon us. How will change, maturity, come to the world wide Body of Christ? I believe it will be the result of this new breed of leadership (new in the sense of rebirth after a long absence) God is raising up and releasing even now. Apostolic revelation and Apostolic Faith will once again change the spiritual landscape of this world forever. Apostles and prophets will be agents of great change. Let us rejoice to see their day! Pastor, there is no competition here. You too should rejoice to see their day and welcome them wholeheartedly. You need them as much as they need you. Rejoice to see your brother blessed and your people blessed by them and together we will grow into the full and complete stature of Christ. Amen.
Let us not compare ourselves to one another, rather let us endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Let the bond of peace and love for one another be the only bonds we allow to tie us to one another. Leadership - let there be peace between us. Each one of us is vital and important just as both a father and a mother are important. Let us each esteem the other more highly than ourselves.
All of God's leadership will see themselves and the role they play in the lives of God's people in a different light. In the end, nothing will remain that has been designed, planned,  or built by man. Every practice, tradition, custom, habit we have will be thoroughly examined and that which the Holy Spirit prunes from our existence will be discarded, thrown out! Hallelujah! Everything will under go a revamping, a renewing. Amen. In the natural realm, computer manufacturers, automobile designers, etc. are constantly redesigning their product in order to keep up with new technology (new knowledge and understanding) that becomes available. As wisdom and revelation is released to the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, we should also be constantly adjusting who we are and what we do. Because we are maturing. There are many things a five year old can do that an infant cannot. Likewise, there are many things a ten year old has learned that a five year old doesn't know. And onward to adulthood. This is an exciting process! It should thrill us. But too many churches are clinging to the revelation they've learned as toddlers, refusing to learn any more, rejecting the very knowledge they need to mature because they've accepted doctrines of devils or because they are still fleshly and carnal in their walk or both. They often refuse anything that seems to contradict their doctrines when what is being contradicted is their understanding because it is immature. Believe me, immature children cannot handle the knowledge and understanding adults can posses. It must be handled line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, till the fruit of it manifests into full blown maturity. But mature, sound doctrine must be swallowed and not rejected or it will do no good. I have found that in every denominational church, there is a steadfast refusal to allow the Holy Spirit to breath on them, to usher them into a greater place of maturity, to recieve any knowledge that their denomination does not approve of. Their growth process is stunted and withered because they are following men, the leaders of their denominatin rather then Christ himself who leads through his Spirit and because they will not allow apostolic and prophetic ministry, the means by which God has chosen to grow up his people. See Ephesians 2:20. I will not at this time try to defend the fact that apostles and prophets still exist today and are a gift from God to his people. I am aware of the devil's doctrine that they died out after Paul. But if you wish, and enough readers request it, I will expound on this in a future blog. I suspect however, those who read my blog do not need convincing of this. Excelsior!

to be continued...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...