Thursday, September 29, 2011

If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it
And if God ever gave his love to you - there'd be no limit
And if God had a habit - it would be spending time with you
And if he played a game it'd be a game played by two

And if God could create an entire world
and fill it with beauty
Just to have a place to meet with you and me
He'd do that too!

If God had a minivan - there'd be a seat in it saved for you
And if he had a house you can be sure you'd have a room
And if he had a feast - he'd definitely save you a seat
And if he ever got married - now don't stop to ask why,
but if he ever got married - he'd pick you to be his bride!

But if God ever found himself separated from us,
it would just make him so sad his heart would just bust
And he'd do anything to be with us again
Including dying on a cross for the sins of all men

So I hope you've gathered from this little poem
God truly does love you and in his heart you have a home
So don't turn away from him just because you sin
For he's not turned away from you
but he's welcomed you back in...

He's made a way where there is no way
So accept his love while it's called Today.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Did you ever take a road - just to see where it goes?
Did you ever stray far from home, into the glorious unknown?
Did you ever take a path - no questions asked?

The greatest rewards come
to those who follow the Son
Adventure and treasure wait
for those who embrace this fate
Whoever you are, wherever you be, it's not too late
You can still soar in the Spirit, all the way to Heaven's gates

So go somewhere or do something you've never done
For inside you he'll play this chord -
"In Christ you will never be bored"

Friday, September 23, 2011


I knew my Father once,      I did
Long before I ran and hid
I used to live in a house so fine
and all my Father had was mine

But the travelers would come and tell such stories!
Of wine and women and fleshly glories!
Something began to stir inside me
So much fun was being denied me!

I began to resent my Father's blessings
Temptations came, I went through testings
As I heard more about the world beyond my Father's doors
As I heard tales of distant and exotic shores
This I began to see -
My Father's ways were backwards and naive!

Till the day came when I resolved within my heart
To take my inheritance and from my Father's house depart
So I went to Him, somewhat timidly
"Oh my Father, may I speak with thee?"

As I explained to him my decision
I saw on his face, not derision
But sadness, such sadness I saw within his eyes
As he gave me my inheritance and said     goodbye

I looked at him, and for a moment did hesitate
But then I left him to meet my fate
My older brother looked at me with disdain
I heard him mutter "Father, he's not worthy of your name"

So off I set, not knowing then it was a path to Hell
After all, I had my youth, I had my health
And most of all I had my Father's wealth
I found out quickly that money could buy just about anything!
I was so popular because I bought the ladies pretty rings!
As long as I had money I had plenty of "friends"
but when my money ran out - so did my friends
Then the ones that I took care of - the ones that used me so
Kicked me out into the street and demanded that I go
Penniless, homeless, I desparately looked for work
But was repeatedly told, from hearts so cold, "Get lost ya jerk"
They hated me without a cause - it wasn't till later I realized they had one
See, no matter where I went
No matter how bad the stench
I was still my Father's son!
I didn't know till far too late
All that come from my Father the world hates!

Eventually, I was half starving, I got a job feeding swine
I longed to take just one of the husks they ate and make it mine
The days ran into weeks, the weeks into months
How long I spent there, I'm not sure
The sins I thought would be so fun no longer gave me pleasure
Apart from my Father - all I am is hungry, lonely and I
My Father's lowest servant is much better off than me, I think
Perhaps, no don't think that!
My shame is too great but...
as his slave would my Father take me back?
NO! a voice told me, it's too late -
Your sin and disobedience have sealed your fate.

For far too long I stayed and lived with such abuse
Till finally I decided to return to my Father - what did I have to lose?
So I set off for the long journey home with only my clothes and my shoes

As I neared my Father's lands, I couldn't believe my eyes
I saw my Father running madly toward me while shouting with delight!
He met me and held me and for awhile did not speak
But wept over me as tears of joy ran down his cheek

I cried too but I cried over my own sin,
for my heart was broken within
"Oh Father, if I return, though I've been so depraved,
Father, would you take me in, not as your son but as your slave?"

My Father's reply I will never forget -
"My son - you will never cease to be
and your place in in my house sitting right next to me.
I've longed for and I've watched for this moment to come to pass
When my long lost son would return to me at last".

He turned to his chief steward and said "Kill my best calf"
And said to me -
"Where you were and what you did is all in the past.
You have made your Father proud by returning as you've done
From henceforth and forever you will remain my beloved son"

Monday, September 12, 2011

The future is ours to wittle away
redeeming the time or wasting each day
Where you end up and what you do
hey, man, it's all up to you

You've only got a certain amount of breaths to breathe
You only have just so many heartbeats till it's time to leave
So go ahead and enjoy yourself
I just hope your pleasure comes from Heaven and not Hell...

"Tell me what you think, not what you heard"

"The only sin in contemporary America is failing to entertain us" - Eric Dezenhall

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A few thoughts

First off, I have changed jobs, I now teach at a new school and I do not currently have internet access at the school, so it's harder for me to update this blog. I can do it evenings but I've been too tired to do it but I think I can start back again soon.
Secondly, a few thoughts on the recent disasters to strike the states. Both the earthquake at 5.9 and Hurricane Irene happened within days of each other, both striking the USA in the east. The Lord reminded me that he said "For as the lighting cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be". Remember, his return will be like the dawn. Though the catching away will happen in the blink of an eye, and lightning is normally a quick event, remember, a day to the Lord is as a thousand years. In other words, what to the Lord could be a blink of an eye, to us could take decades. So the DAY of Judgement of our God, could take decades. I believe it has begun and I believe, concerning the USA, it has begun in the east. I believe the two recent events are a precursor to much worse judgments. They were both warnings in that the potential for disaster was great but we escaped relatively unscathed. Yes, I know, some people lost their lives and many lost homes and possesions but it could have been much worse. Even now, God in his mercy is holding back and desiring many to repent and turn to him. Notice that within the name of the Hurricane Irene is the word IRE. This means wrath, anger. Yet another clue it was a prophetic storm, sent by God. If you don't believe God sends storms and earthquakes, you haven't read your Bible. Suffice it to say, let's all sober up and live as Godly a life as we can, as a testimony to those dwelling in darkness, that many will in these last minutes, turn to the Lord and be saved.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

To whom it may concern

Well, I'm back! From vacation that is. I've had a wonderful time in Florida and got to end my vacation by seeing my brother Jeff and his family in Seoul today. He lives in Hawaii and I dont get to see him too often. He twisted my arm and convinced me to visit him in Hawaii next time. Dont you just feel for me? In Florida, Tiffany, my daughter celebrated her thirteenth birthday and she got to swim with dolphins! I personally loved Ponce de Leon springs, in north Florida and we got to see a life size replica of the Tabernacle.

But tommorrow, it's back to work. I'm excited to be starting a new job at a Christian school. I'll be teaching fifth graders, how cool is that? So soon, I will start blogging daily again, as the Holy Spirit shares with me, I will pass it on to you. I will say this, those storms and earthquakes hitting the USA are judgments, more on that later.... Chris

 God doesn't put leadership in people's lives to be their "head" - He does it so they'll be their "tail" - t...