Friday, February 3, 2012

The prophets of Baal are all big mouths
But when it comes to the goods - they're all dried out
No matter how hard they try
No matter how loud they shout
Their god is impotent and weak
with no power to tout
He's got nothing to offer, really
All he is is greedy
He takes and takes but gives nothing back
His followers are all out of whack
(I really feel sorry for them as a matter of fact)

Elijah's God - now there's a different story!
He's the one with all the power and glory!
When Elijah called on him
He didn't have to wait long
before fire fell from Heaven
and Baal's guys started singing a different song!
Soon enough they were all dead
which is where all Satan's followers are being led
Most gods require their followers to sacrafice
but our God, for his people, laid down his life!
And he gave us his Spirit with all his gifts
What a generous, giving God he is!
Only Elijah's God has the power to save souls -
He's the only One we should follow and all come to know.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...