Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our God loves celebrations
Feasts and parties and jubilations
Happy hearts full of elation
He even commanded them to take their tithe
and spend it on themselves for whatever their heart desired including strong drink, oh
Ever heard that taught in Church? I didn't think so!
The point is - He's not all do's and don'ts
or will's and won'ts
He's also relax and have fun
in the light of the Son!
Enjoy this life he's given -
Be happy that you're livin'!
Enjoy your family.
Enjoy the wonderful God that is he!
He gave the Israelites seven different feasts -
Some were solemn, sure
but others were joyous occasions
full of laughter, games and close relations.
Stop the work! Take a break,
It won't hurt to party and play.
He even commands it once a week on the Sabbath day.
He knows the road of life can get long and hard and hot,
so he's built into it along the way plenty of rest stops!

Authors' note:  For anyone interested, the reference to tithes above can be found in Deuteronomy chapter 14. God actually commands them to spend their tithe on "whatsoever thy soul lusteth after". Just always remember to remember the Levite and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow, which your heart will naturally be inclined to do because the God who commands this of you lives in you!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...