Friday, March 30, 2012

If the blessings that you receive
don't flow to those in need
If you hoard it just for yourself
like the rich, young ruler who wouldn't sell
all he had and give it away -
from following Jesus you will stray.

When you receive the world's money
pass it on to those God tells you to
Open your heart and home to strangers who
God brings to your door
Never ignore
or neglect the poor
and you'll become rich in ways money can't buy
For you'll find youself following in the footsteps of Christ
who only kept money to care for others
For his needs were all met by His Heavenly Father

So don't spend your days on getting more money but
rather set your mind on the wealth above
Yes, focus on the Son for he ever cares for you, ever loves
And he will never leave you or forsake you
So won't he, as a good husband,
always provide for you? Did he not make you?
Has he not numbered the hairs of your head?
Why would you then doubt what He said?
Take no thought for what you will eat or wear
for do I not for you abundantly care?
So like your Heavenly Father don't forget to richly share
for you were poor once before I took you in
and fed you and clothed you and cleansed you of sin

So be a channel of blessing that God can use
and you'll find you fit right in to Jesus' shoes
And you'll find you'll gain far more than you'll lose
because pleasing the Father is our life's sole pursuit...

Quote of the day: "I always walk a mile in another man's shoes before I criticize him. That way, if he gets angry, I'm a mile away and he's barefoot"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Roll Book

When God calls roll in Heaven
what will your anser be?
Will you be present then,
or will you be missing?
See, Heaven must be in you
before you can be in Heaven.
Your heart must first be caught up -
"enraptured" with Him,
or your body ain't going nowhere.
When He sounds the last trump
and the Book is opened,
for the Book of Life to bear your name,
you must in your heart bear his name first.
As a Bride becomes her husband's
and takes his name as her own,
He must rule from your heart,
before you can sit on his throne.
So don't seek to go to Heaven when you die
if you don't seek Him while you are alive.
Only those who already know Him,
will be welcomed in.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I just heard a fantastic story, all true, which I must now share with you. An elderly Korean woman and an elderly Korean man just got married. For her, marriage had long tarried. She had fallen in love, had become very smitten with a young man she was attending High school with but he never noticed her. He went on to marry someone else while she remained alone her whole life. She never became someone's wife. Forty years passed till the day came at last that her father died and was interred in a local cemetery. She would often go to pay her respects and attend to his grave and there she would linger. During one of these visits she noticed a grieving widower, visiting his wife's grave. They became friendly and before long more and more intimate conversations ensued till there came the day when he proposed that she marry him! Most amazingly, he was the very same boy she had fallen in love with as a teen-age girl! They are now happily married and enjoying their final days on earth together. So never, ever give up on your dreams! You never know when they might come true!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inhaling the chilly mist of the harbor's breath,
I tentatively took another step.
The pale moonlight, straining with all it's might,
could barely find it's way on this dark and lonely night.
But there are times when a man's course is set,
when necessity bids him to take another step.
When he feels deep in the marrow of his bones -
the call of the wild - the call to come home.

Of a truth we're too insulated, medicated, domesticated.
Without real challenges a man becomes a shell of who he's supposed to be,
which is why sports are so popular in society.
Yet most of us don't compete but watch them passively.
And me - and me?
I must break free.
I must dig deep and totally
abandon myself to my mistress -
Mother nature in all her glory.
I must feel her, touch her, see her naked beauty,
not just watch her flirt with me on TV.
For too long I've lived vicariously
through movies or documentaries
that I've substituted for reality.

Wake me oh God wake me
Give me strength to finally
become the man I'm meant to be

The seagull's shrieks are music to my ears
the salty air blows my lungs clear.
The ship creaks as she bears my soul
to the wilderness where I must go
to die to my former habitation -
the rusting, decaying edifice we call "civilization"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh Lord when I do see
the Cross's reality
I see you bruised and bloody
exchanging beauty to become ugly
Oh when I see you on that tree,
oh Lord - You remind me of me

For I am naked, I am ashamed
for I have sinned again and again
And when you died, were crucified
you remind me of me, deep inside

The Cross is a mirror clear
when I see it - the Truth is near
My heart is sad and yet does cheer
because my God holds me so dear

Yes when i see your broken body -
oh Lord, you remind me of me...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

We bear these burdens in this life, the wounds, the hurt, the strife.
But you've been hurt far worse than I,
Lord, even by this heart of mine.
And far more often too.
No, my pain can never compare with you.

So I will take this wound, gladly
will I return for it my love. Sadly,
they seem to be blind to your ways,
Lord, teach them to number their days.

I know that when they reject me they reject you too.
When they won't receive my friendship they're disobeying you.
They haven't yet matured,
in the only ways that matter -
in wisdom and in a love that is pure.

I thank you God that you understand.
You've been through this as God and man.
Far more have rejected you than accepted.
It's the same today with the Apostles and Prophets.
We may be few and persecuted,
hated and despised yet we've concluded,
with you inside we can bear this pain -
for you oh Lord are our gain.

Unlike them, you never leave or forsake us.
When we desire your fellowship, you always take us.


The Holy Spirt will bring controversy and division because people will then have to make a decision. He'll expose where their hearts really are. Are they a wheat saint or a tare? Do they love the truth or really despise him? Will they choose to follow at any cost or delusion? Will they let the Holy Spirit rule from deep within? Or will they choose to follow men?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Please do not tell someone who is in mourning to suck it up and rejoice with you -
We can rejoice in the Lord while we mourn this filthy world.
We can take solace and comfort in Him,
while at the same time grieve over sin.
We are to mourn with those who mourn,
not treat them with scorn.
Be sensitive to the burdens your brother is carrying.
Discern the fake smile from the real.
See those tears that are tarrying.
See the grief he's trying to conceal.
Sometimes a silent hug speaks louder than empty platitudes.
Let him know he doesn't need to pretend and he'll show you his gratitude.
There's a time to laugh, there's a time to cry.
There's a time for sunshine and darkened skies.
My brother, tears bring no shame to you,
for always remember, Jesus wept too.
He was a man of sorrows, well acquainted with grief.
Sometimes we join with Him and over sin we weep.
For often the salt of our tears
will help heal our wounds and our fears
and they will cleanse us and water our soul
and help to make us whole

release them my dear precious sister or brother,
release them and let them go...

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...