Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inhaling the chilly mist of the harbor's breath,
I tentatively took another step.
The pale moonlight, straining with all it's might,
could barely find it's way on this dark and lonely night.
But there are times when a man's course is set,
when necessity bids him to take another step.
When he feels deep in the marrow of his bones -
the call of the wild - the call to come home.

Of a truth we're too insulated, medicated, domesticated.
Without real challenges a man becomes a shell of who he's supposed to be,
which is why sports are so popular in society.
Yet most of us don't compete but watch them passively.
And me - and me?
I must break free.
I must dig deep and totally
abandon myself to my mistress -
Mother nature in all her glory.
I must feel her, touch her, see her naked beauty,
not just watch her flirt with me on TV.
For too long I've lived vicariously
through movies or documentaries
that I've substituted for reality.

Wake me oh God wake me
Give me strength to finally
become the man I'm meant to be

The seagull's shrieks are music to my ears
the salty air blows my lungs clear.
The ship creaks as she bears my soul
to the wilderness where I must go
to die to my former habitation -
the rusting, decaying edifice we call "civilization"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...