Sunday, April 29, 2012

Say have you met,
the Christians who act like they're not?
Who act like they haven't got
the love of Jesus in their hearts?
They can quote the Word like they're really smart
but they can't seem to do the Word, that is, love one another.
It's the simplest command yet so few bother
to show the most basic concepts of love and fellowship -
as if they can pick and choose,
who to love and who not to.
What if God loved that way too?
Often those in the world behave better than them
yet they walk around proudly declaring they're Christian.
It's a bit of a shame really,
they sully his name, really,
when they refuse to love and care for each other,
much less strangers too.
Will they be the ones of whom
Christ says depart from Me,
I never knew you?

The Moses principle -  "Those who aren't intimate with God will always flee from those who are"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...