Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We try our best to avoid
trials and tribulations,
ungodly salutations,
choices we'd rather another make,
uncomfortable situations,
people we're offended with
or who are offended with us.
We'd rather life be neat and tidy
with very little fuss.
Yet hardships we encounter each day
are often sent by God our way
and are meant to form Christ inside
and break in us all forms of pride.
Often all we must endure
will cause our faith to become pure
and will build godly character in me and you
that we may walk in spirit and in truth
Nothing can really harm us
or conquer us unless
we fail to bring it to God and confess.
He is our strong, high tower
rising above as our enemies cower -
Our ever present help in trouble.
It is by his might and power
that we learn to be overcomers.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...