Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blandishments and aggrandisements,
salutations and advertisements,
In print and on screen,
on radio and in magazines -
we're forever bombarding
ourselves with communications
of the highest disorder
jumbled together without borders
Meant to subtract, amidst the cacaphony of hollers
our congregation of almighty dollars.
It's mind-numbing to say the least
To sit and watch the one-eyed beast
It's yelps and shouts and never ending pleas
meant to seduce and entice and tease
are enough to make the strongest man weak-kneed.
Yet most never entertain the thought -
Slay the beast! Turn it off!
They keep it on even as background noise,
never ceasing to subject themselves to Babylon's voice.
Reading's becoming a lost art
The outdoors seen only on a screen
We've lost the ability to chart
our lives back to reality
Instead accepting someone else's version of what our world should be.
We spend our lives trying to be entertained
reducing to mush our magnificent brains
Submitting ourselves to everlasting chains
to our eternal shame.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...