Friday, May 25, 2012

The Fourth Watch

Deep in the night
when the world's fast asleep
Who will arise
for the fourth watch to keep?
The world is asleep, spiritually
they've slumbered a long time
Who is alert and awake to see
the wonders he sends and the signs?
Events that capture the world's attention
are often used by his loving intervention.
God's prophets are speaking still
revealing to all who will listen - his will.
A sign without an interpretation
is like a party with no invitations.
A wonder that no one sees
is like a treasure that remains buried.
This generation is blind
because their eyes are closed
because they're asleep.
Unless they're awakened
their souls won't be reaped
but instead will be taken
by our enemy.
We need the voice of the groom
to arouse the bride,
For very, very soon,
she'll be swept by the tide
of his Spirit, flowing back again
to the One who deeply loves women and men...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...