Thursday, May 17, 2012

I was asked "What do you do for a living"?
I replied "I follow Jesus Christ"
For that's the only way to truly live, right?
I don't work just to earn money or things,
why do that for what God is providing?
My work is to do the will of he who sent me.
Obedience to him with every breath i breathe
is my destiny, my heart's desire, who I want to be.
As I focus on his kingdom
all I need on this earth will come
Food and clothes? Hey, our Father knows!
Isn't he a good provider?
Has he ever failed you yet?
Would you call him a liar?
How could you forget?
All he has to do     to remember you
is look at his hands
Oh, he cares for you as only he can
Like a mother cares for her newborn child -
His love is so tender and mild.
Think of the detail he put into a single wild flower
then, that he knows how many hairs are on your head -
what he could do with all that power!
But he chooses to watch you fall asleep in bed.
He created the whole world just to have a place to fellowship with us,
so, then, why can't you trust?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...