Saturday, May 12, 2012

The nice thing about God's love is that we can have flaws. We can make mistakes. We can be honest with Him and real. We don't have to be fakes, pretending we're all set, no, as Smitty put it - we don't have to be "picture perfect".
Of course we try to do our best to do what is right;
but if you fail the test don't get uptight
For he took all our failures, and weaknesses (sins)
and the Father laid everyone of them upon Him
Jesus died because he knew
the truth about me and you -
We're frail vessels of clay
with hearts that easily stray
Unable to make it day by day
without falling in some way...

"My Grace is sufficient for thee. Where sin abounds, Grace abounds more abundantly.
I won't fail you, don't you fail to come to Me, when you're weak with no integrity".

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...