Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hooligans and shenanigans
Falsified ID's and stand ins
We've all tried
so hard to hide
who we really are............inside
We put on a happy face
trying often to replace
the Truth with a lie
Like chameleons we try
to blend in with the crowd
How are you? (good question) I'm fine.    Anyhow.

Our families usually know better
They see under our mask
They hear every word and letter
To continue to love us is their task
in the body of Christ
we should be
the most intimate of families
We shouldn't have to hide
who we are        really
Our sorrows and our pains
our sinful stains,
we shouldn't have to maintain
the facade we hide behind
as we strive to blind
those we meet, time after time....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I saw the sign lying on the road
it read "Descending Life Line". I went whoa!
That's exactly what Jesus is!
When he came to earth,
he lowered himself to save us
and prove to us his worth.
His Spirit is now a tether
anchoring us to Heaven,
removing far from us
the Pharisee's leaven.
Guiding us to truth,
never letting us go,
providing our hearts with proof
by teaching us to know
Him personally, His ways,
what pleases him and doesn't,
that we may learn to follow Him,
not some Religion,
that tells us what was or wasn't
or what will be
but rather that He becomes our daily reality
Our daily bread,
our daily dose of life from the dead.
We need ressurecting from our religious graves
by our Jesus "The Lord Saves".
Like Lazarus we need to see
the reason He ressurects us is so we
can fellowship with him and eat.
The first thing he did after his own ressurection and ascension
was fellowship on the road to Emmaus wit a few of his sons.
So see our God's heart clearly
by these two examples -
all he's ever truly been needin'
is to get back what he lost in the garden of Eden -
Unbroken fellowship with the ones he loves so.
Enjoy it with him now and he won't stop it when we go....
Death can't interrupt the life God has granted
if indeed it's in his garden we are planted...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My true legacy

My writings are a part of my legacy but only a part
The words that come from my mouth reveal my heart
And my actions speak louder than words
What my children have seen speaks as strongly
as what they've heard
So though I leave them the riches of my writings
I also include in my daily acumen
to hug and kiss them
and above all listen
For the proof to them of their worth to me
is when I prize and hold dear their individuality -
Who they are, who they're becoming
is truly in my sight absolutely stunning.
It makes me want to one day see
Who their children will grow up to be
for they will be
                                   my true legacy...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Everything I do
proves the Lord to be true
Whether i sin or cry out in repentance
every word, every sentence
is proven by my life
to be absolutely right.
Every sinner, every saint
is found in Holy writ.
No one can escape it.
All must face their judgement
whether heaven sent or hellbent
all will find
in their time
He is their Lord too.
Every knee shall bow,
every tongue shall confess this truth
Your life
whethe given in sacrafice
to our Lord Jesus, Christ
or given over to carnality
will one day be
seen for what it truly is
Your very breath is His
Your very soul
Your very being
only in Him has worth and meaning

So lower yourself, humble yourself now
while you still can, take up the plow
(of His Word)
and break up the fallow ground of your heart
before your soul departs....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I'm a Wordsmith
no doubt about that. If
the word fits, I'll redact it.
Yes, the truth is
I'm quite loquacious
with my words
written or otherwise.
I enjoy being concise,
with them I make my living
but I also use them purely
for the pleasure they bring.
Without words I'd be mute and groundless,
unable to confess
my feelings, thoughts or interests.
They're a panacea for my soul,
a cornucopia that overflows
that all who read may know
I value words more than silver or gold.
I like to reciprocate
what the Holy Spirit gives
being active not just passive,
touching as I'm touched
with benignant words of love
bequeathed to all of us -
A scintilla that sets ablaze
our passion for Him, unfeigned...

Light of Love! Shine true in me
through my heart of transparency
replete with the fruit of knowing Him
not knowledge alone which harbors sin....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Play, ok?

I sat and watched the children on the playground,
laughing and playing and horsing around.
Generally having a really good time,
anyone could join in, no one seemed to mind.
For the most part they got along well,
all ages and backgrounds - they all seemed to gel.
So I think we should take the world's leaders today
and put them on a giant playground to play.
Those who were enemies
will find themselves playing together, normally.
They'll become friends before they know it,
the smiles on their faces will show it.
They'll exchange "friend requests" on Face book
and hobbies and such -
they'll have no time to fight they'll be enjoying each other so much!

So the next time the armies line up to fight,
put them on a playground and lock it up tight.
Throw away the key
       till they learn to agree
               to let their inner child
                         have the victory!

"Unless you become like a child......"
                                                                  - Jesus

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...