Sunday, June 10, 2012

I'm a Wordsmith
no doubt about that. If
the word fits, I'll redact it.
Yes, the truth is
I'm quite loquacious
with my words
written or otherwise.
I enjoy being concise,
with them I make my living
but I also use them purely
for the pleasure they bring.
Without words I'd be mute and groundless,
unable to confess
my feelings, thoughts or interests.
They're a panacea for my soul,
a cornucopia that overflows
that all who read may know
I value words more than silver or gold.
I like to reciprocate
what the Holy Spirit gives
being active not just passive,
touching as I'm touched
with benignant words of love
bequeathed to all of us -
A scintilla that sets ablaze
our passion for Him, unfeigned...

Light of Love! Shine true in me
through my heart of transparency
replete with the fruit of knowing Him
not knowledge alone which harbors sin....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...