Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Play, ok?

I sat and watched the children on the playground,
laughing and playing and horsing around.
Generally having a really good time,
anyone could join in, no one seemed to mind.
For the most part they got along well,
all ages and backgrounds - they all seemed to gel.
So I think we should take the world's leaders today
and put them on a giant playground to play.
Those who were enemies
will find themselves playing together, normally.
They'll become friends before they know it,
the smiles on their faces will show it.
They'll exchange "friend requests" on Face book
and hobbies and such -
they'll have no time to fight they'll be enjoying each other so much!

So the next time the armies line up to fight,
put them on a playground and lock it up tight.
Throw away the key
       till they learn to agree
               to let their inner child
                         have the victory!

"Unless you become like a child......"
                                                                  - Jesus

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...